Google Home Volume Settings


1) Give a description of the problem
Google Home current volume setting

2) What is the expected behavior?
I would like WebCore to know the current volume setting of the Google home device. Change the volume to 100% and then put it back to what the original setting was.

3) What is happening/not happening?
I can get WebCore to change the volume to 100% when my contact opens. However on close i was trying to get it to set to 50% but its not happening. But really i would like the volume to go back to what it was.

**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston!


I am not sure if webcore can check the google home volume level???
I use sonos and I can check that, hopefully it works as well with your unit.

Create a Variable (integer)
When the piston starts, you need to SAVE the current level into that variable (to be used later)
When ever you are done change the level back to SAVED value.

I just wrote one to show you an example:
When switch turns on
Sonos current level is recorded to the variable
Sonos level is up to 100
When ever you are done, (switch OFF in my example)
Sonos is back to where ever it was.

With sonos, you can even change the volume manually on the speaker and still it will be recorded here (When the piston is executed of course)

ps : set piston state was just for me to see if the levels are being recorded… you don’t need that part.