Help with door left open piston please


I’m trying to use these 2 scripts and I’m running into a challenge. I am only controlling 1 door, and I want it to push message me after 2 minutes and every 2 minutes thereafter (for 5 repeats. I’m not getting the first push (of 2 minutes), but after 4 minutes I’m getting one that says it’s been open for 3 minutes. Anybody willing to have a look please? Also, I’d like the door close message to trigger right away if possible, rather than waiting through the last 2 minute cycle.



And with a 5 attempts timeout:


Thank you. Is this intended to be a one-procedure piston, rather than the 2 I had?


Another question - why is that first “if” condition there (Switch 10)? How would I get this to run without that? Or do I always have to have an “if” that will be true?


Yes, one piston per door.


In my setup that’s just a manual override switch, a simulated switch for pausing automations. Not necessary but I find it useful.