Help with fade to 0% piston


1) Give a description of the problem
I have a fade to 0% setup for my bedtime routine but I wan’t to be able to cancel the fade if the lights are turned off manually.

2) What is the expected behavior?
Whilst fade is running, turn off the lights and they stay off.

3) What is happening/not happening?
Whilst fade is running turn off the light but they come back on and continue fading.

Hi all,

I’m new to WebCORE and have been struggling to get the above configuration to work. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance,


Fade over time and task cancellation

Post your current piston if you can. Use the green button.


Use the ‘cancel pending tasks’ command in an on-event section as follows:


Thanks Robin, I’ve tried the following piston but it doesn’t seem to work. The bedroom lights come on but don’t start to fade:


If the lights were off when mode changed to ‘Night’ then that would be expected behaviour… the switch turning on cancels the fade.

Your brief was to fade the lights until turned OFF, didn’t realise you wanted them to turn ON if OFF and then fade unless turned OFF (my head hurts lol).

Let me tinker and I’ll come back to you.


Yeah sorry I guess I could have been clearer.

I want the lights to come on and then slowly fade to off but also have the option to turn them off (and have them stay off) if I want. Tried a few things but they either don’t fade at all or they just come back on and continue their fading where they left off when you try to turn them off.

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:


I’m afraid i’m stumped… think it might be a bug :sob:

Cancel all pending tasks works in the example I posted above but as soon as I start adding other conditions around the cancel it does nothing at all to the progression of the fade (even though the logs say the cancel tasks event occurred correctly!!)

Maybe @ipaterson could take a look at this one?



I’ll throw in a suggestion of using a virtual switch included in the piston as override to cancel all task?


believe cancel all pending tasks only cancels user task not system tasks like fade. so its behaving as designed :wink:


But it cancels the fade in the example above… and doesn’t if I put a restriction above the cancel