Help with Notification when arriving or leaving different locations


1) Give a description of the problem
I want to get a notification when we arrive or leave work

2) What is the expected behavior?
To get a push notification when either of us arrive or leave work.

**3) What is happening/not happening?**Not sure what is actually happening but it isn’t sending a push notification.

5) Attach any logs (From ST IDE and by turning logging level to Full)
(Preformatted text 3/14/2019, 6:39:10 AM +763ms
+2ms ╔Received event [Tom-beta].currentPlace = Tom’s Work with a delay of 78ms
+130ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 22ms > PS > 86ms > PE > 21ms > CE
+132ms ║Runtime (42876 bytes) successfully initialized in 86ms (v0.3.10a.20190223) (129ms)
+133ms ║╔Execution stage started
+150ms ║║Comparison (string) Tom’s Work changes_to_any_of (string) Tom’s Work,Trutone,Mid-USA = true (3ms)
+152ms ║║Cancelling condition #4’s schedules…
+153ms ║║Condition #4 evaluated true (10ms)
+155ms ║║Cancelling condition #1’s schedules…
+156ms ║║Condition group #1 evaluated true (state changed) (12ms)
+159ms ║║Cancelling statement #2’s schedules…
+170ms ║║Calculating (string) Tom-beta + (string) is arriving at >> (string) Tom-beta is arriving at
+181ms ║║Calculating (string) Tom-beta is arriving at + (string) >> (string) Tom-beta is arriving at
+184ms ║║Calculating (string) Tom-beta is arriving at + (string) . >> (string) Tom-beta is arriving at .
+191ms ║║Tom-beta is arriving at .
+192ms ║║Executed virtual command log (3ms)
+205ms ║║Calculating (string) Tom-beta + (string) has made it to >> (string) Tom-beta has made it to
+211ms ║║Calculating (string) Tom-beta has made it to + (string) Tom’s Work >> (string) Tom-beta has made it to Tom’s Work
+215ms ║║Calculating (string) Tom-beta has made it to Tom’s Work + (string) at >> (string) Tom-beta has made it to Tom’s Work at
+219ms ║║Calculating (string) Tom-beta has made it to Tom’s Work at + (string) 6:39 A.M. >> (string) Tom-beta has made it to Tom’s Work at 6:39 A.M.
+223ms ║║Calculating (string) Tom-beta has made it to Tom’s Work at 6:39 A.M. + (string) . >> (string) Tom-beta has made it to Tom’s Work at 6:39 A.M…
+249ms ║║Executed virtual command sendPushNotification (21ms)
+255ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (122ms)
+257ms ╚Event processed successfully (256ms)Preformatted text)

If a solution is found for your question then please mark the post as the solution.


Can you send SMS by using the same piston (instead of PUSH notification)