Holiday Lights: 4th of July / Diwali / Halloween / Christmas - Your Pick



I just put a edit in it seemed to be something to do with the timer its running 1 hour fast in webcore, its probably the same reason why the piston starts running about a hour and half before sunset.
@bangali its working fine now the speaker is stopping and starting like it should :grin:


@bangali this should do the job :grin:


cool. i am not going to add that in to main, because size is a concern and some users may have trouble saving it.

might be simpler to simply pause this piston if home changes to away or something like that outside of this piston. :slight_smile:


No thats fine, thats why im putting it on here then if someone else has the same reason they can tweak it :grinning: .

Would that not stop it starting again, when we come home though?


I see what you mean now, no it doesn’t but i didn’t know where else to put it.

this should be better place for it?

if you notice anything out of place let me know else ill let it run and see if it works well tomorow :smile:

and thanks for this awesome piston @bangali !

Edit: this seems to be working well, but i get lot of these in the logs?

+7369ms â•‘Piston waited at a semaphore for 7111ms


well only if you just did that. :slight_smile:

heres what i do:

i have a piston that handles people leaving, in this piston i pause any pistons i dont want to run while either someone is away or everyone is away. so:

if X presence sensor changes to not present
   pause piston X
end if
if Y presence sensor changes to not present
   pause piston Y1
   pause piston Y2
end if
if X and Y presence sensor are not present
   pause home piston 1
   pause home piston 2
end if

then there is another piston that handles people arriving, in this piston i resume any pistons i do want to run while either someone is home or everyone is home.

if X presence sensor changes to present
   resume piston X
end if
if Y presence sensor changes to present
   resume piston Y1
   resume piston Y2
end if
if X and Y presence sensor are present
   resume home piston 1
   resume home piston 2
end if

helps both keep this all in one place and prevents having to check for this stuff in every related piston.


Wouldn’t know where to.start or that! But I don’t have anything particular yet that only runs if a particular person bis home, may be something I do in the future at the moment this is what I have.

There is a bug with the time my wake up routine just fired a hour early aswell @webCoRE_Minions has anyone else noticed this?

Edit: I managed to fix this buy doing a clean up and re cash then pausing and resuming all my piston’s.

Edit : DLS happen this weekend the time on the variable list was correct but the pistons stayed out of sync untill today.


great job again @bangali i’m gonna give the sounds a miss for now though. I’ve modded the previous version to give holiday name in the status and pause my normal outside lighting piston then resume @2335 and its going “LIVE” tonight. cheers for your work on this.

@borristhecat i had the same issue with my pistons this weekend strangely only for starting them. they all ended at the correct time so my test lights for this were set to start at 1025 am til 1035 am as of Saturday morning they started at 0925 until 1035. how do i do a clean up and recache?

EDIT: just found the other thread about this. will see how it goes now i have reconfigured the piston.


@AprillaEdd, funny you mentioned the piston kicked off an hour earlier. Mine did too. I’m based in Ireland and GMT clocks went back an hour on Saturday night at 2 am. I’ve a funny feeling that’s the reason :slight_smile:


thank you. just set the soundEnabled to false in the define section and it should skip all the sound stuff. if i missed anything just let me know, will fix. :slight_smile:


Hi @bangali when you have the @pauseHLCRaFp set to true the speakers stop and the lights stop changing but if you turn them off they turn back on again after a few seconds.


is this whats happening?

  1. so @pauseHLCRaFp is set to true and piston is still running
  2. you turn off the lights that this piston uses
  3. after a few seconds the lights come back on but @pauseHLCRaFp is still true

is that what is happening? if yes, after they come back on do the colors start changing again?


when @pauseHLCRaFp is true it only waits within this repeat do … end repeat loop without touching any devices. so a little surprised that would happen, but will check if you can confirm the command that turned on the lights was sent from the piston. should be able to see that in the Recently tab for any of the light devices.


yes this is what is happening, but when they come back on they just come on at the colour they were and dont change. So if i then manually change the colour then turn them off they come back on at that colour.


OK, thanks. please see these questions as well:


yes just looked and the on command is constantly being sent from the piston every few seconds.


what command is it sending, on or set level? can you put the piston in trace and confirm 2 things:

  1. @pauseHLCRaFp is true?
  2. do you see the 5 seconds wait timer in the repeat loop running?


yes and yes


the issue is the edits. you are checking for ALL in one place and ANY in the other for the presence sensors which is breaking the repeat do loop.


the only any i can find is outside the loop does that make a difference?

Edit: sorry just noticed it how do i fix it? as it has true and false in the loop as well

Edit: hopefully may have worked it out just testing