Holiday Lights: 4th of July / Diwali / Halloween / Christmas - Your Pick



Does anyone know how to modify this piston (top post) so that it pauses when none of the holidays are active in the restrictions. I want to resume my normal pistons when there isn’t a holiday.

I tried to add the following lines 103 - 124 (tweaked the original for my needs) but it isn’t working


I’ve recently switched from Smartthings to Hubitat, but it looks like Webcore on Hubitat is no longer happy with this piston

It changes the lights for about ~40 seconds, then the piston terminates.

║executeStatement: Execution time exceeded by 40027ms, Terminating


Looks like it has something to do with this code because when I comment it out, the piston works as expected. I’ll open a github issue:

    long overBy=checkForSlowdown(rtData)
			long delay=(int)getPistonLimits.taskShortDelay
				String mstr="executeStatement: Execution time exceeded by ${overBy}ms, "
				if(repeat && overBy>(int)getPistonLimits.executionTime){
					error "${mstr}Terminating", rtData
					long a=doPause("${mstr}Waiting for ${delay}ms", delay, rtData)


What is your version on HE? Is it up to date?

I ask as that looks like older code.


Whoops, I actually linked the wrong github repo, but I’m up to date, and the correct link is here (relevant code is still in the file)

 * Last update August 25, 2020 for Hubitat

static String version(){ return 'v0.3.110.20191009' }
static String HEversion(){ return 'v0.3.110.20200821_HE' }


Also, (not sure if related to commenting out) but it appears that even after pausing the piston, it continues to execute until I reboot the hub. Seems like pausing it isn’t enough to break the ‘while’ loop


Hi All, sometimes I want to change the colors for a holiday once it’s already running. How do I do that? Hitting the pause button and restarting doesn’t work, as it maintains the existing variable colors. How do I reset those colors to the new const string colors?


If you are using the piston from the first post, the colors are calibrated every day at 30 minutes before sunset.


Anyone have or using an updated stream for Halloween music? I don’t think the one in this piston works anymore.


Is this right? true = pause and false = resume? You have only when @pauseHLCRaFp is true throughout the piston. Shouldn’t be true = resume and false = pause?


I’ve got the piston working great, but I’m trying to have two of the lights mirror each other.

I’ve got a total of 5 lights but I want lights 4 and 5 to behave the same.

Any help is appreciated…


@bangali First off, let me say that this piston is amazing and was my entry-point into using webCoRE. I’ve since gone down the rabbit-hole—sometimes successfully and sometimes not. :joy:

I wanted to get the community’s thoughts on ideas for keeping the “default” lights from flickering/blinking via the levelHigh/levelLow while retaining that functionality during holidays? I’ve played around with it, but I can’t seem to get it… Any ideas? Thanks!


@bangali There seems to be an issue with this piston and webcore on Hubitat. I tested with the stock piston, my piston and only a valentine’s day + default piston and all of them have the same issue:

executeStatement:Execution time exceeded by 40002ms,Terminating

2/9/2021, 7:49:28 PM +222ms
+3ms ╔Received eventime = 1612925368165 with a delay of 57ms,canQueue: true, calledMyself: false
+26ms ║╔Execution stage started
+41302ms ║║executeStatement:Execution time exceeded by 40002ms,Terminating
+41307ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (41281ms)
+41335ms ║Setting up scheduled job for Wed, Feb 10 2021 @ 6:06:00 PM MST (in 80150s)
+41337ms ╚Event processed successfully (41335ms)
2/9/2021, 7:49:07 PM +892ms
+50ms ╔Received event .test = 1612925347892 with a delay of 0ms,canQueue: true, calledMyself: false
+252ms ║╔Execution stage started
+280ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (28ms)
+308ms ║Setting up scheduled job for Tue, Feb 9 2021 @ 7:49:28 PM MST (in 20s),with 1 more job pending
+309ms ╚Event processed successfully (261ms)



I have two colored light bulbs on our front porch. My wife wants them to rotate colors, but wants them both to be the same color example both red, then both fade to blue, etc. Is there a way to do that?


Not sure what I’m going to do this year without this since WebCoRE won’t be working with SmartThings any longer… What is everyone else doing?


SharpTools Rules Engine perhaps?


You can switch to HE, then webcore works!


That was on my list to take a look at, actually. I guess I have some weekend homework. :nerd_face:


Ideally, that is probably what I would do. But the thought of migrating to another platform yet again (I was a Wink refugee) for ~30 devices sounds like no fun.