Holiday Lights with Rotating Colors and Levels Fade Piston



EDIT: deprecated. see this instead:

Christmas Lights
Halloween piston anyone?
Christmas Lights
Halloween Lights Automation

Question. Is there a functional difference between Turn on and Turn all on? Quite honestly I never noticed the Turn all on before.


looks like it may be harmony supported command which for others devices might just be mapping to turn on.


Can someone recommend some lights?


hi @bangali i would like to use this but wanted to but some conditions in would this work?
i need it to pause the other piston otherwise it will keep changing the lights


move the pause/resume to another piston and just pause or resume the example piston that is this piston from that other piston at the right times.


Do it manually you mean?



create and save this piston as is by restoring it from code d0fjo wtih say name foo.

then create another piston called bar. in bar you would have logic to enable and disable piston foo at the right times of day for different times of year.

does that make sense? if i wasnt able to clarify that, please ping and i will share an example piston.

also, thinking of making the colors dynamic in the example piston above so foo can be called with different colors for different holidays by bar.


Think so thanks.

That’s a great idea :smile:

closed #10