I have a feeling that you can bring everything down to a single piston? (i am not sure of course)
But anyway,
If what you want is,
- No lights is the room (or dimmed)
- When someone enters, lights go 100%
- as long as they are in the room, lights WONT turn off
- when they leave lights go OFF
you don’t need to use a timer for this. Something like this will make it way easier:
IF ANY motion sensor(s) CHANGES TO ACTIVE
With lights TURN ON (or set level to 100)
If ALL motion sensors STAYS INACTIVE X minutes (this part replaces your timer)
With lights TURN OFF (or set level to 10) (if you want dimmed)
ANY and ALL are very important.
“Any” says which ever motion sensor in the room.
“ALL” says make sure there is no motion what so ever in the room.
And of course you can add if SWITCH IS PUSHED etc…