How to turn on expert mode


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I’m looking for how to enable expert mode. I have been to settings but only find places, categories, and integrations. Am I looking in the wrong place?


While editing any piston, look under “Options” in the top right


When I go there i only get
show variables
show complex if’s
show restrictions
show advanced options
show piston settings
show when true/false actions
show evaluation console.

I have them all turned on but I still do not see how to make an if statement. So far I have been using
only when


You don’t see this?



… which will popup this:


… and leads to this:


From there, you first choose what to compare:


… and then begin your logic.


My two cents? Setting your options to this:


will give you access to 98% of commands, without cluttering up your code.
(the other 5 checkmarks will likely confuse more than help at this point)


Well I feel pretty dumb lol. It of course, was right in front of me. Thank you both for your help.