How to view mutiple locations on one dashboard?


Hi, is there a way to add multiple locations to one dashboard? I’m hoping to be able to add a few so that I don’t have to switch between them.

This is the section here where I assume you add them but I can’t seem to figure it out:

WebCoRe on HE and SmartThings at the same time?

Correct …

You add locations by registering the webCoRE instances for the new locations, just like you did when you created your original location on the webCoRE dashboard.

Duplicate the webCoRE tab in the browser, then from the new tab, select “Register Instance” from the dashboard menu on the left:

From the ST app (or Hubitat dashboard if you’re using Hubitat), change to the location you want to add, then go to the apps section for that location and select the webCoRE app. Select “Register a browser” to get a registration code to use in the browser.

After registering the new instance, the new location should show up in the webCoRE’s pull-down menu, as in the example pic, above.