Hi everyone, Is there a way to get a piston to fire once the Smartthings hub restores internet connectivity following a power or internet outage ?.
What i would like to do is have a piston run to switch off all my lights which would come back on following a power cut, however i have no UPS to keep my Smartthings Hub & Internet Router powered uo and whilst the Smartthinbgs hub would come back on with the lights my Internet Router takes several minutes to initialise.
Many Thanks
Hub online/offline status
not sure that would work, as by the time my internet router is running again the hub would have been on Mains for several minutes
When you have time to test try something like this
If hub power source changes to battery
Set variable lostPower = True
End if
Then pull the plug on everything or flip a breaker. See if that variable gets set or not.