Here is the DH. Any ideas?
SmartThings Device Handler: Russound Zone
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except
in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
metadata {
definition (name: “Russound Zone”, namespace: “redloro-smartthings”, author: "") {
- List our capabilties. Doing so adds predefined command(s) which
- belong to the capability.
capability “Music Player”
capability “Switch”
capability “Switch Level”
capability “Refresh”
capability “Polling”
capability “Sensor”
capability “Actuator”
- Define all commands, ie, if you have a custom action not
- covered by a capability, you NEED to define it here or
- the call will not be made.
- To call a capability function, just prefix it with the name
- of the capability, for example, refresh would be “refresh.refresh”
command “source0”
command “source1”
command “source2”
command “source3”
command “source4”
command “source5”
command “loudnessOn”
command “loudnessOff”
command “bassLevel”
command “trebleLevel”
command “partyModeOn”
command “partyModeOff”
command “allOff”
command “zone”
- Define the various tiles and the states that they can be in.
- The 2nd parameter defines an event which the tile listens to,
- if received, it tries to map it to a state.
- You can also use ${currentValue} for the value of the event
- or ${name} for the name of the event. Just make SURE to use
- single quotes, otherwise it will only be interpreted at time of
- launch, instead of every time the event triggers.
tiles(scale: 2) {
multiAttributeTile(name:“state”, type:“generic”, width:6, height:4) {
tileAttribute (“device.switch”, key: “PRIMARY_CONTROL”) {
attributeState “on”, label:‘On’, action:“”, icon:“st.Electronics.electronics16”, backgroundColor:"#79b821", nextState:“off”
attributeState “off”, label:‘Off’, action:“switch.on”, icon:“st.Electronics.electronics16”, backgroundColor:"#ffffff", nextState:“on”
tileAttribute (“source”, key: “SECONDARY_CONTROL”) {
attributeState “source”, label:’${currentValue}’
// Row 1
controlTile("volume", "device.volume", "slider", height: 1, width: 6, range:"(0..100)") {
state "volume", label: "Volume", action:"music Player.setLevel", backgroundColor:"#00a0dc"
// Row 2-3
standardTile("0", "device.source0", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state("off", label:"Radio Air1", action:"source0", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff")
state("on", label:"Radio Air1", action:"source0", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff")
standardTile("1", "device.source1", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state("off", label:"Kodi", action:"source1", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff")
state("on", label:"Kodi", action:"source1", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff")
standardTile("2", "device.source2", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state("off", label:"Great Box", action:"source2", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff")
state("on", label:"Great Box", action:"source2", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff")
standardTile("3", "device.source3", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state("off", label:"Master Box", action:"source3", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff")
state("on", label:"Master Box", action:"source3", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff")
standardTile("4", "device.source4", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state("off", label:"Porch Box", action:"source4", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff")
state("on", label:"Porch Box", action:"source4", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff")
standardTile("5", "device.source5", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state("off", label:"Bluetooth", action:"source5", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff")
state("on", label:"Bluetooth", action:"source5", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff")
// Row 4
standardTile("loudness", "device.loudness", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2) {
state "off", label:'Loudness', action:"loudnessOn", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
state "on", label:'Loudness', action:"loudnessOff", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
standardTile("partyMode", "device.partyMode", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2, inactiveLabel: false) {
state "off", label:'Party Mode', action:"partyModeOn", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
state "on", label:'Party Mode', action:"partyModeOff", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
standardTile("alloff", "device.status", decoration: "flat", width: 2, height: 2, inactiveLabel: false) {
state "default", label:"All Off", action:"allOff", icon:"", backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
// Row 5-6
standardTile("bassLevelLabel", "default", decoration: "flat", height: 1, width: 1) {
state "default", icon:""
controlTile("bassLevel", "device.bassLevel", "slider", height: 1, width: 3, range:"(-10..10)") {
state "default", action:"bassLevel", backgroundColor:"#00a0dc"
standardTile("trebleLevelLabel", "default", decoration: "flat", height: 1, width: 1) {
state "default", icon:""
controlTile("trebleLevel", "device.trebleLevel", "slider", height: 1, width: 3, range:"(-10..10)") {
state "default", action:"trebleLevel", backgroundColor:"#00a0dc"
standardTile("refresh", "device.status", width: 2, height: 2, inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat") {
state "default", label:"Refresh", action:"refresh.refresh", icon:"st.secondary.refresh-icon", backgroundColor:"#ffffff"
// Defines which tile to show in the overview
main "state"
// Defines which tile(s) to show when user opens the detailed view
"loudness", "partyMode", "alloff",
"bassLevelLabel", "bassLevel",
"trebleLevelLabel", "trebleLevel"
- The following section simply maps the actions as defined in
- the metadata into onAction() calls.
- This is preferred since some actions can be dealt with more
- efficiently this way. Also keeps all user interaction code in
- one place.
def on() { sendCommand([“state”: 1], false) }
def off() { sendCommand([“state”: 0], false) }
def source0() { sendCommand([“source”: 0], true) }
def source1() { sendCommand([“source”: 1], true) }
def source2() { sendCommand([“source”: 2], true) }
def source3() { sendCommand([“source”: 3], true) }
def source4() { sendCommand([“source”: 4], true) }
def source5() { sendCommand([“source”: 5], true) }
def setLevel(value) { sendCommand([“volume”: (value/2).intValue()], true) }
def loudnessOn() { sendCommand([“loudness”: 1], false) }
def loudnessOff() { sendCommand([“loudness”: 0], false) }
def partyModeOn() { parent.partyMode([“state”: 1, “master”: getZone(), “source”: getSource(), “volume”: getVolume()]) }
def partyModeOff() { partyMode([“state”: 0]) }
def bassLevel(value) { sendCommand([“bass”: value+10], false) }
def trebleLevel(value) { sendCommand([“treble”: value+10], false) }
def allOff() { sendCommand([“all”: 0], false) }
def refresh() { sendCommand([], false) }
- Called every so often (every 5 minutes actually) to refresh the
- tiles so the user gets the correct information.
def poll() {
def zone(evt) {
//log.debug “ZONE${getZone()} zone(${evt})”
Zone On/Off state (0x00 = OFF or 0x01 = ON)
if (evt.containsKey(“state”)) {
//log.debug “setting state to ${result.state}”
sendEvent(name: “switch”, value: (evt.state == 1) ? “on” : “off”)
//turn off party mode
if (evt.state == 0 || !device.currentState(“partyMode”)) {
partyMode([“state”: 0])
- Zone Volume level (0x00 - 0x32, 0x00 = 0 … 0x32 = 100 Displayed)
if (evt.containsKey(“volume”)) {
//log.debug “setting volume to ${result.volume * 2}”
sendEvent(name: “volume”, value: evt.volume * 2)
- Zone Loudness (0x00 = OFF, 0x01 = ON )
if (evt.containsKey(“loudness”)) {
//log.debug “setting loudness to ${result.loudness}”
sendEvent(name: “loudness”, value: (evt.loudness == 1) ? “on” : “off”)
- Zone Bass level (0x00 = -10 … 0x0A = Flat … 0x14 = +10)
if (evt.containsKey(“bass”)) {
//log.debug “setting bass to ${result.bass - 10}”
sendEvent(name: “bassLevel”, value: evt.bass - 10)
- Zone Treble level (0x00 = -10 … 0x0A = Flat … 0x14 = +10)
if (evt.containsKey(“treble”)) {
//log.debug “setting treble to ${result.treble - 10}”
sendEvent(name: “trebleLevel”, value: evt.treble - 10)
- Zone Source selected (0-5)
if (evt.containsKey(“source”)) {
//log.debug “setting source to ${result.source}”
for (def i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (i == evt.source) {
state.source = i
sendEvent(name: “source${i}”, value: “on”)
sendEvent(name: “source”, value: “Source ${i+1}: ${evt.sourceName}”)
else {
sendEvent(name: “source${i}”, value: “off”)
def partyMode(evt) {
// [“state”: “”, “master”: “”, “source”: “”, “volume”: “”]
//log.debug “ZONE${getZone()} partyMode(${evt})”
if (evt.containsKey(“state”)) {
sendEvent(name: “partyMode”, value: (evt.state == 1) ? “on” : “off”)
if (evt.state == 1) {
sendCommand([“state”: 1], false)
} else {
// exit if partyMode is off
if (getPartyMode() == 0) {
if (evt.containsKey(“volume”)) {
sendCommand([“volume”: evt.volume], false)
if (evt.containsKey(“source”)) {
sendCommand([“source”: evt.source], false)
private sendCommand(evt, broadcast) {
//log.debug “ZONE${getZone()} sendCommand(${evt}, ${broadcast})”
// send command to partyMode
if (broadcast && getPartyMode()) {
// send command to Russound
def part = “”
if (evt.size() == 1) {
part = “/${evt.keySet()[0]}/${evt.values()[0]}”
//log.debug “ZONE${getZone()} calling parent.sendCommand”
private getTrebelLevel() {
return device.currentState(“trebleLevel”).getValue().toInteger()
private getBassLevel() {
return device.currentState(“bassLevel”).getValue().toInteger()
private getPartyMode() {
return (device.currentState(“partyMode”).getValue() == “on”) ? 1 : 0;
private getVolume() {
return (device.currentState(“volume”).getValue().toInteger())/2
private getSource() {
for (def i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if (device.currentState(“source${i}”).getValue() == “on”) {
return i
private getController() {
return new String(device.deviceNetworkId).tokenize(’|’)[1]
private getZone() {
return new String(device.deviceNetworkId).tokenize(’|’)[2]