[Install Instructions] webCoRE Presence Sensor on your iPhone (beta)


with app webore IOS, I have to send in the same PM to @ady624 ?
Thanks guys!


No, it’s now in the iOS App Store so no need to request an invite.



Do i still neet to send a pm to "ady624"
I have webcore on my android but when i click “Setup sensor” in the settings page.
It asks for a name but nothings happens.


No PM’s required.

Have you installed the device handler from @ady624’s GitHub Repo?


sorry that was my mistake.

Thank you


I am sure that I need to build a delay in my piston to account for the varying accuracy.

How would you go about this?

I have a piston I am working on in the piston help forum:


Question about the “Floor” indicator in the ST Tile … how is that configured - would love it if it can differentiate “Home 1st Floor” from “Home 2nd Floor” or basement etc

It appears to be “Unknown Floor” regardless of where I am

(or is this a future feature?)


It’s very limited to certain buildings.


For the vast majority of us it’s of no use at all… but it’s in the Google API so @ady624 included the attribute.

You could possibly tinker with altitude and IF ‘between’ statements, but I’ve never tested the accuracy.


Thanks @Robin - along the lines of what I thought but it was worth a shot :slight_smile:


Is the Webcore presence sensor more reliable than the iPhone presence sensor?

I have two Android and two iPhones and the iPhone’s are not reliable at all. I’m wondering if I force them to download the Webcore app if it will be more reliable?


Can I add this app to iPhone’s that are not on the ST platform? Case use: I’m on vacation and my sister is pet sitting (just coming to feed cats). The ST presence fob is a POS. The only time my sisters presence would trigger is when my house is in Vacation! mode.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated!


Yes you can do this. I have a couple set up for family members.

Side note: Please check the ST forum for a PM from @Robin to verify your username.


Thank you @c1arkbar!!!


Hi guys,

@ady624 great work! Thank you very much!

I must be missing something but I can’t figure out how to install the DH from Github. I already have the WebCore DH installed. When I try to Update from Repo, there is nothing in the three columns. I tried to install it manually via the link in the first post but it gives me an error message.

What am I doing wrong? Thanks!


You’re probably trying to install it under smartapps instead of device handlers.


I am so blind. Thank you, @Robin!


awesome feature. i think this will be way better than using the ST presence sensor.

question on geofencing. my son’s school is within the 250m radius and he is not showing as “away”(not home).

i have marked “my home” on my webcore app and tweaked it on the webcore dashboard.

question is, how will this work with my son’s webcore presence sensor? do i also add “my home” for him? going through the settings > places on his webcore app, i already see the “my home” that i saved, so im thinking it also has the “tweaked” geofence distance, but obviously this is not the case.

thank you much for your kind help.


Question: How often does location update? I seem to be having issues lately because piston’s aren’t firing timely when I arrive home (tripping the alarm).


Every 500 meters travel or 5 minutes, whatever comes first.

Though crossing a geofence causes an instant trigger.


All webCoRE presence sensors share the same locations setup in the settings… you just need to go into settings using each mobile device the once, to generate the presence device in ST.

If school is within 250m of Home then you’ll be a bit stuck I’m afraid… the smallest leaving radius allowed is 250m!!

Perhaps you could offset the centre of the radius to bring the school outside of the leaving radius.