Is there any switch that action without state?


I controls my home’s light by HTTP Request.
MY home’s wallpad system can not controled by RS485 or TCP/IP
So, I tried to control HTTP Request and i successed!

But, I have some problem on sync with physical light control.

If i turn on the light1 on webcore or ST or Google Home.
Then, light1’s state is on.
But, if i turn off the light1 on physical wallpad, then the light1’s real state is off. However ST’s simulated switch still on.

So, After re-try turn on light1 by webcore, ST, Google Home, It can not be turn on because it’s state is already on.

Is there any method for turn on trigger regardless of already on?


Does setting Command Optimization to disable work?


If I’ve understood you correctly, it sounds like my kitchen lights which I control with a logitech harmony IR blaster.

I have a smart switch on the circuit which I only use to monitor the power usage. This can then be used via a piston to turn the switch on when power usage raises.


I tried. But, trigger is not activate…


Oh…i can not check power usage raises…:frowning:


Do you have room within the switch back box to install a fibaro switch? These are quite small. I was able to install mine in the consumer unit as there was a separate supply to the lights. The only use of the fibaro is to then monitor the power, so if the lights are turned on manually or via IR or tcp via a piston in your case, this can be detected and the virtual switch changed to the appropriate value.