Light status notification


1) Give a description of the problem
i want lights to be turned off when location mode = AWAY
2) What is the expected behavior?
when location mode changes to AWAY,
-wait 10 minutes
-send push notifications to inform us that there are lights (also specify which light) left on
-turn off lights that are on
-send push notification (confirmation) to inform us that all lights are now off

3) What is happening/not happening?
i am getting my push notification but its listing everything on the variable and not specifying which one is trully ON

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the pistonimage

thank you very kindly for any assistance you may provide


Hi @macombweare
In what part of the piston you have SAVE DEVICES INTO VARIABLE?
This part you shared does not send notifications OR saves On or OFF devices into another variable


i left them off as i wasnt sure how to go about it.


ok no problem…
I will post one of my piston where I do something very similar,
but just give me an hour or so, i need to be in front of my computer.


thank you very much… please take your time i can wait.


Hi @macombweare
I believe this will do the trick…
I use this for open/closed sensors but it’s all the same, instead of sensors, you can add light bulbs.
(No trigger in this piston, I execute this from another piston, so don’t mind about the trigger part)


thank you much…

this is what i came up with right now but cant fully test yet… how do you think this will work?


I think this will keep sending you notifications because you have two conditions not a trigger.
if so, change Mode is AWAY to “Mode changes to AWAY”
But test first to make sure…


Thank you…

Hopefully this works out.


Looks good to me @macombweare
let me know after the test if you have more questions…


tired the piston by manually enabling AWAY-LOCATION MODE

i got the push notifications but none of my LIGHTS turned off… :frowning:


Just to test, erase line 32 (disable) for now and try.


will do… erased it by the way. i wasnt sure if i could just disable it…

will try again later when i get home…

big thanks again.