Lights less bright during the night on motion, will go to 100% and then 25%


1) Give a description of the problem
Hi everyone, I took an example piston from the forum to dim the lights on motion during a certain time-frame. I adjusted it to allow 100% lights during other time of the day. However, when it supposed to go to 25% it first starts at 100% and moves to 25% immediately. The goal is not to blind me and my kid on my arm when walking downstairs so this is not good :slight_smile:

2) What is the expected behaviour?
Lights turn on on motion to 100% between 7am and 1am
Lights turn on on motion to 25% between 1am and 7am

3) What is happening/not happening?
Lights go on to 100% and then go to 25%



Most lights remember their previous levels when first turned back On.

To circumvent this, my “Go To Bed” piston sets my lights at a low percent, and then turns them off.
(you could also set the low level automatically every night at 11pm)

Either method will prevent blinding when entering the room later.


If that is the case would it be as simple as switching the turn on and 25% line?


You can try, but most lights return to their previous level when first turned on.


I think it can depend on the device/DH I use the Fibaro dimmer 2 modules, if you turn them on with a set level command, they seem to come on at that level. Sending an on command will turn them on at the previous level.


You are absolutely right… Fibaro is one of the exceptions.


For those reading this in the future :slight_smile: Switching the commands worked. They now are less bright during the set time without blinding me first. - Thank you everyone for the suggestions.