1) Give a description of the problem
I am trying to get a porch light to turn on, which uses a Fibaro switch. I have not managed to get the light to turn on since I moved from the ST Classic App. Apologies if this has been answered already, I cannot seem to find a solution.
The presence sensors are working, as I can create messages that trigger when someone arrives or leaves and these work correctly.
2) What is the expected behaviour?
I have three presence sensors and when any one of them enters the geo-fence, the light to come on, stay on for 20 mins before turning off.
3) What is happening/not happening?
The light does not come on, however looking at the Full logs for this, the piston never seems to trigger. Is there something else I need to do for Presence to be registered by ST and to trigger the piston?
**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston!
See attached.
5) Attach logs after turning logging level to Full
Only the logs available registering the Presence Sensors. Nothing else confirming the Piston has triggered,