Link Abode security to motion sensor lights


1) Give a description of the problem
Piston is not working only when abode alarm is in away mode.

2) What is the expected behaviour?
I am trying to create a piston that uses my motion sensor to turn on the lights ONLY when the abode alarm is in away mode.

3) What is happening/not happening?
Currently the motion sensor turns the lights on all the time. Im not sure if I need to use webhooks to link the status of the abode alarm?

**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston!

5) Attach logs after turning logging level to Full
No logs available.


Try this:

The IFTTT executes… is only true at the moment when IFTTT executes that command so I have the two Ifs at the end of the piston that set a global variable to “home” or “away” based on the command IFTTT sends. (It’s actually one command for “home” and another for “away”.)
I also changed the motion condition to a motion trigger so that the piston will run when motion is sensed. When it senses motion, it checks that global variable as well to see if you’re away.
You could move the two Ifs that set @AlarmMode to another piston if you prefer. At this point the entire piston runs whenever motion is sensed or you change the alarm mode on your abode alarm. It’s a bit more efficient to separate those two.