Local web request



1) Give a description of the problem
I need to send web requests locally. I have only been able to send the web request from outside my network back to my network. How can I keep these commands local?

Thanks for your time.



webCoRE automatically detects if your web request is local or not and keeps things local if applicable.

What web request are you making and to what endpoint?


GET and FORM to my Logitech media server. I am not well versed with http web requests. I was able to build the commands from using the devoloper tools on my web browser and watch and record those commands and used them to create the request. I did this last summer.

But now I am trying to make my network more secure and keep the requests local.


what is the exact URL you are using… xxxxx out any passwords of usernames.




You don’t need to block out a local IP lol… it’s no use to anyone outside of your LAN… assuming that is a local IP?


That is the current request I am using. I blocked out my Home IP address I was sending it to.

Another solution would to keep sending the command externally but incorporate a user name and password into the request.


Instead of trying to change the request to a local one. I was able to setup a user name and password for logitech media server to secure my network.
My web request looks like this now.



So you need authentication locally but not on WAN… that’s an interesting setup??


Glad that it works, but for anyone else who finds this issue please note that IP addresses on your local network (i.e. not accessible outside of your network) are not the same as the public WAN IP address for your modem. It should not be necessary to publicly expose services like this.

webCoRE performs local requests directly from the hub for any local IP address which will be in one of the reserved local ranges 192.168.x.x, 10.x.x.x, or 172.16.x.x – 172.31.x.x. Those addresses can be obtained from your router configuration or other network utilities.


its over WAN… sorry my posts might be confusing


The whole topic title is confusing lol… you’ve been asking about LAN requests but testing on the WAN IP’s


I’m trying to do this to and I know I’m missing something simple…here is the URL


No matter the combo of GET/POST - FORM/JSON not working. Url tested and works fine directly from browser.




The password works in two ways, either by means of Basic Auth http://user:pass@… or by means of query string http://…&user=…&pw=…

The first way with user:pass@ does not work in webCoRE - it gets blocked. The latter one does.


Ok verified that new URL with username/password as arguments works in browser…still does not work in webcore request. Piston triggers. Log shows URL being sent…nothing happening. Request is going to an IP camera. The logging feature of which isn’t the greatest…so I can’t see much from that side.

Smartthings hub is on same subnet as IP camera.


Have you tried port forwarding and then the WAN IP?


also consider including the port IP:Port … I use port on all mine so maybe it’s required???


Is it possible that the username or password contain characters that would need to be encoded in the URL? The browser may do this for you automatically… after hitting that URL in the browser try copying the link back out of the address bar to see if anything was changed.


Good shout… I had the same problem with my old Blue Iris password… removing special characters solved the issue!