Looking for | and || examples


I am looking for coding examples using | and || in webcore pistons.
I am trying to learn how to use these in webcore.


I use it in a piston like this, nothing fancy. In this example, I’m looking at the possible ways the first word ‘all’ can come in.


Here is another example. I set ‘someone home’ boolean to an initial value depending if we have guests staying over. Then I check if my wife or myself are home with this expression:

Basically, || is a logical ‘or’ between logical values or expressions. Similarly, ‘&&’ is logical ‘and’.


@eibyer, @guxdude Thanks for the examples guys. Correct me if I am wrong, but are those examples just a method to reduce coding? Generally speaking, logistically, nothing is gained over just writing out the code?


Generally speaking, yes. There are some advantages at times to this syntax. For example, in the same example above but for another house with more residents, I did this:

Much simpler than putting another if statement within the loop.

