Made a custom Alarm


I built a custom alarm using virtual switches, tasker, autoinput, and webCoRE. It plays pandora for me, and has a built in snooze, and slowly increases my volume. When I dismiss the alarm it starts my good morning routine.

If interested once I have time I’ll do a write up.




I might integrate that into what I made. What I like with the one I made is I have a built in snooze, I can get to the buttons from my quick settings and lock screen and it plays any music app I want. The alarm basically sets itself by reading my Google calendar. Adding this device handler though I might be able to see the set time and even set custom times without going to the piston every time.


I use routines to snooze, which can be assigned to iOS widgets for quick access from my phone homepage.


I would like to somehow have the piston I made give me the time my alarm will go off like your device handler has set. For example my alarm goes off every day at 545am unless I’m on a non 10 hour schedule. The piston I made also sends a notification 8 hours before the alarm goes to tell me its bedtime. That would be cool to see in smartthings too



I think I’m going to tinker with your alarm DTH. I want something like that but it reads the piston I wrote and gives the time my alarm will go but also have the option to set a custom alarm via the DTH


Best of luck… I can barely remember how it works myself lol…

You can already set the alarm time in the DTH via webCoRE, using the manual buttons or in the DTH settings page.