Motion Based Light EXCEPT when Manually turned On



Problem solved! I re-read a comment you made a while back, specifically indicating the switch needed to be turned on via ST…So, I did that and it worked perfectly…then, I just used Alexa, which is now even better than what I expected. My issue was I didn’t want this to be a phone dependent function, which it isn’t now thanks to your piston and Alexa :slight_smile:
If I turn the light on via Alexa, it stays on…regardless…once I turn it off, even from the physical switch, it goes back to the normal piston routine…exactly what I needed…thanks again!


glad it works with alexa. turning on from alexa is effectively the same as turning it on from the switch. so, both should work. it would be great to get it confirmed to be working with the switch as well :slight_smile:


Sorry guys, I forgot to verify my account and I don’t get notifications when people post. I see what your saying and did some more testing and am running into the same issue. I will play around a bit and get back to you all.


Ya, I can’t figure that part out, but the Alexa resolution is fine. Just tested turning on the physical switch, again, and had bad results. It seemed to throw off the piston and I had to turn off and back on several times in order to revert back to the way the piston should act. I watched ST’s to make sure it didn’t pick up my motion before I turned on the physical switch and it didn’t. Ohh well, I’m good where I’m at…


ok. if you are using it with alexa the example in the main post in this thread, that should work just as well.

split this topic #113

A post was split to a new topic: Help with piston - wait cancelling on next motion



Hi there @bangali . Can you help?

I am trying to create the following piston:

  1. If motion detected on shed motion detector, turn on shed light

  2. If no motion detected, wait 4 minutes and turn off shed light

  3. If shed light turned on using smartthings app or command to google home (which is integrated with Smartthings) then override items 1 & 2, and turn the light on and leave on

  4. Do not make 1&2 operational untill light is turned off using smarthings app or google home

i added in your edsh2 piston but i dont understand what the bolean/programatic bits mean well enough to


I see a few people mentioned using this in reverse. Does anyone have an example of that?


i have seen that too. but i am not entirely clear on how this is being used in reverse. would love to see an example as well.


I have been watching this piston for a few days now and was wondering how you enable Alexa into Webcore. I have it enabled in ST but cannot see a way to add it to here. I want to set it up as a switch in place of a physical switch as mentioned a few posts up. At the moment when I try with my own piston it all goes haywire once I turn on via Alexa.


post your modified piston via a green snapshot. it will be easier to comment on it.


What I am trying to say is, using your piston, How would I change “switch” which you have.
To Alexa as mentioned by “smartie”.
So I suppose my post should really aimed at “smartie”. I have both Google Home and Alexa, but would prefer to use Alexa (rather than GH) in place of the physical “switch”.

Also, in which position would I put the sunset/sunrise only settings into this?


somehow i missed this post. sorry about that. were you able to resolve this?


you dont need to change switch in the piston … just use alexa to switch on dimmer 2.

add that to line 30 by using only when restriction.


It wouldn’t let me change line 30, unless I’m doing it wrong of course (which is highly possible) so I changed it at line 21/22 as that was the only alternative that made sense.
I changed the dimmer switch to kitchen as it is a Tradfri bulb named “kitchen” not a switch/dimmer.
I won’t know until sunset if it works.
The motion parts works very well and I haven’t needed to turn on via Alexa since I installed the initial piston that you posted. Making a full English Breakfast last night, the light stayed on all the time from opening the bacon to dishing it up on two plates.
So as far as I’m concerned a fantastic job. Done by yourself.


its fine. that will work too.

cool. dimmer, switch or bulb everything should work.


Hi Newbie to WebCore here.

This looks interesting to me. Just wants to make sure that it works for me. I have a outside lamp which is controlled by motion from a Ring Door bell between sunset and sunrise. I also would like to turn on the bulb at 5 pm and turn off at 10 pm. During this time I dont want motion to affect the behaviour of the light and wants to remain on. At present I have a timer on smartlighting smart app for the lamp to come on at 5 and turn off at 10. But during this time if motion is detected the lamp turns off after 2 minutes.


I would suggest 2 different pistons for your situation. One to just turn the light on everyday from 5-10pm (or just keep using your smart lighting smartapp). Then use a motion based piston for anytime after 10pm until sunrise. The topic piston is for if you want to use motion based lighting, but be able to disengage if light is manually turned on.


Thanks for replying. But if I use another piston or smartlighting smart app to keep the light on from 5-10 pm, is it not equivalent to manually turning it on?


That depends on what switch and/or bulb you are using. What I’m saying is to have 2 separate smartapps or pistons, and set each to only work during those time periods so they do not interfere with each other. So on the smart lighting smartapp, configure it to only run from 5-10pm. Then for the motion based lighting, configure it to only run from 10:01pm to sunrise (or how ever long you want).