Is it possible to create a DH that allows multiple input devices to act separately? ie a temperature sensor and 2 contact sensors in one device.
It is slightly related to WebCoRE because I want to use in my pistons. I have a binary input device and one of the DH is temperature, contact, motion and webCoRE picks these up as 3 different possible inputs. But I have another DH that is dual contact and temperature and i wanted to make webCoRE see these as 2 contacts rather than one. At the moment I have to create 2 separate virtual contact sensors and link them to the device with app, i’m hoping i could do away with this if i can just get the DH right.
Is this even possible for WebCoRE to identify the 2 contacts and temperature sensor on one device as 2 different inputs @ady624, when you select the device in the settings? Thanks