Multiple input devices



Is it possible to create a DH that allows multiple input devices to act separately? ie a temperature sensor and 2 contact sensors in one device.

It is slightly related to WebCoRE because I want to use in my pistons. I have a binary input device and one of the DH is temperature, contact, motion and webCoRE picks these up as 3 different possible inputs. But I have another DH that is dual contact and temperature and i wanted to make webCoRE see these as 2 contacts rather than one. At the moment I have to create 2 separate virtual contact sensors and link them to the device with app, i’m hoping i could do away with this if i can just get the DH right.

Is this even possible for WebCoRE to identify the 2 contacts and temperature sensor on one device as 2 different inputs @ady624, when you select the device in the settings? Thanks


If you expose them as two different contacts, sure. And while declaring the attributes, make sure you declare them as enums and provide the possible values [‘open’, ‘closed’] so that webCoRE can offer you those options


Brilliant news.

Sorry should have stated that i’m a complete novice at code, i’m currently starting a online course to learn javascript so i can eventually learn groovy (think that’s the right way :thinking:). But I am logical enough to find a few DH, put them together and tweak to make them do what i want them too, even if its a bit messy, which is what I did for this case. So they have got values in as ‘open’, ‘closed’ they are also labeled/ referenced as contact1 and contact2. The DH seems to work fine but can’t seem to get them to come up like that on webCoRE.


If you just modified the DTH, you may have to go to webCoRE’s settings in the ST app and revisit the Available Devices so that webCoRE rebuilds the device cache.


Thanks, i just tried that but its still only coming up with one contact :frowning_face:. I think its something in the DH, that even though they are down as 2 contacts there not fully down a 2 contacts because I have missed something :confused:.

is it something to do with that there is only one of these?

def zwaveEvent(physicalgraph.zwave.commands.basicv1.BasicSet cmd) {
log.debug "BasicSet V1 ${cmd.inspect()}"
if (cmd.value) {
createEvent(name: “contact1”, value: “open”, descriptionText: “$device.displayName is open”)
} else {
createEvent(name: “contact1”, value: “closed”, descriptionText: “$device.displayName is closed”)

should there not be another one for contact 2?


You need them defined in the meta, where the capabilities are defined.


Thank @ady624 This is what I have below at the moment.

capability "Contact Sensor"
capability "Temperature Measurement"
capability "Configuration"
capability “Sensor”

I tried adding another contact sensor and naming it contact sensor 1 and the 2 yesterday but that wouldn’t let me. I have also just tried having two “contact sensor” that let me do it, but it didn’t work either. What is the correct way to define 2 or more?


Under the last capability add

attribute “contact2”, “enum”, [“open”, “closed”]

I am not sure that is how you declare an enum though, check with documentation or other developers please


Thanks, I’ve ask the question on the ST forum but not got anything yet. Thanks for your help so far.