My Iphone using as device presence, but..?


1) Give a description of the problem
I am not able to use my Iphone with variables like: currentplaces, leavingplaces, …
When I use it (name = “Inqui”) there only 3 possibilities: PRESENCE, status, occupancy.
There is an iter to set my phone? I use this piston (it works good), but only for “presence”




The SmartThings mobile apps’ built in presence sensors only work as presence and occupancy sensors. Anything else requires a different solution such as installing the webCoRE device handler and the webCoRE mobile app. So what exactly is ‘Inqui’?


Thanks .
Inqui is the name of my Iphone.
So, for use it with currentplace, … I need webcore (I already use it) and webcore App (I do not have it)?
