My piston will not load - help please



Go into the webCoRE app within the the ST mobile app. Go to Settings and then ‘clean up and rebuild data cache’


Hi Robin, sorry but I tried that as well, I just forgot to include it in the description. Thank you.


You might also need to delete your browser cache via settings.


And hard reset by holding Ctrl whilst clicking the browser refresh button.

Also logging out and back in can help.


Hi Robin, thanks again for your suggestions. I just tried all that and I also tried on MS Edge browser that I never use and still it will not load the piston or allow me to pause it.


Ok… one last option before we have to start digging a bit deeper…

In the IDE, go to My Locations > installed smartapps > Edit (on the right above the list)

Find the storage app which is called webCoRE, nested under webCoRE.

When you hover the mouse over, a tooltip window will show webCore (webCoRE Storage).

If the tooltip doesn’t show let me know.

Cannot log onto Webcore

I just tried again and this time I received an error “Sorry, an error occurred while retrieving the piston data”. Still won’t load mind!!


Hi robin - Yes that loads.


I’m out of ideas.

Tagging @ipaterson @ady624


I found this comment from @ipaterson… worth checking:

We had a similar report recently where it seemed like a contact with a phone number only (no name or email) caused problems.


I think the piston used push notifications, i don’t remember adding push to contact. How would I check if I can’t load it?


Go into the ST app, hamburger menu, contact book.


I’ve just checked the piston with the hover menu you showed me Robin and I have no contacts listed in the piston that will not load.


I have two contacts - both have names, numbers, email addresses and push details.


Well have to wait for one of the other @webCoRE_Minions to chip in then :frowning_face:


Thank you for trying Robin. I do appreciate it.


BTW… If it’s just a single piston, maybe just duplicate it and delete the original.

It’s an option under +new piston


I just tried duplicating it - that didn’t work!

How do I just delete it without loading it as I think it will be quicker to start over.


I just noticed the backup code from the hover area in the ST IDE screens. I’ve managed to make a copy - Now how do I delete without loading it first?


You can delete from the IDE