Need help copying "level" in a piston


Works great! Thanks again. Now onto duplicating for 6 different zones.




I know he has an on/off already. What I didn’t know is that it already sees level 100% as turn on and level 0% as turn off. That’s good to know. I wonder if it’s done in firmware. In some ways it makes more sense.


Actually, I don’t think it does see 100% as turn on and 0% as turn off. The dimmer and on/off function are independent of each other but the simulated dimmer remembers the previous dimmer value from last on/off sequence.


Thanks for the clarification.


This is true only half of the time…

To avoid any confusion, here is what happens when we change the levels on a Simulated Dimmer Switch:

If the bulb is ON to begin with:

Changing any level to     0% = No Level changed, Switch changed to off
Changing   99% level to 100% = No Level changed, No Switch changed
Changing 1-98% level to 100% = Level changed,    No Switch changed

If the bulb is OFF to begin with:

Changing any level to     0% = No Level changed, No Switch changed
Changing   99% level to 100% = No Level changed, Switch changed to on
Changing 1-98% level to 100% = Level changed,    Switch changed to on

For the most part, the 0% and 100% levels act like switches (off/on), and occasionally they are registered as level changes. Basically, if the light changes from ON to 0%, or from OFF to any level, then the switch trigger will execute… but for level changes, we can’t rely on 0% or 100% because of the logic above.

This is why I said earlier:

That range is rock solid reliable…