Need help to delete duplicate Storage child app



1) Give a description of the problem
Hello guys, good day. When I was reinstalling the child smart apps because of a version error, I ended up with 2 instances of the Storage child app… :frowning:

2) What is the expected behavior?
How can I delete just one of the instances? I was able to unlink one of the instances from github repo but was not successful deleting it.

3) What is happening/not happening?
When I try to do it I receive an “access denied” error in IDE. I tried via smartapps webpage but also received the below error:


It’s possible the access denied error is an IDE bug that’s plaguing the system… for over a month now I’ve been getting that error when doing all sorts of things in the IDE… solution for me is to run the IDE in a private browsing tab, so give that a try.


Thanks @Robin for the suggestion. It didn’t solve my problem but actually enabled the IDE to give more precise response and stopped the access denied error.

By using a private session browser I was able to edit and delete the Storage child app in the “Installed SmartApps” webpage but it resulted in an odd situation as Storage app was not listed anymore in this webpage but continued to be listed twice in the “My SmartApps” webpage.

I then decided to completely uninstall WebCore (after making a backup of pistons) through the app interface but it also didn’t work as it reported as being used somewhere.

I then decided to edit the code of the Storage app and pasted the code of other app that I was willing to install/publish and voila! :slight_smile: It correctly installed the new app and now I have just one instance of the Storage child app. Seems that everything is working fine now…



Hi Marcelo,

I think I have a similar problem to you re. Webcore smartapp duplication. Can you tell me exactly what you did with the code to get rid of your duplicate storage app? Is it just a matter of copying and pasting any random app over it? Can I then get rid of that app? Any chance you could give me some step-by-step instructions on what to do here? I have duplicate webcore and webcore ‘piston’ apps - my thread is here:


Hi good morning. I actually tried many different things to delete the duplicate apps but none worked. I tried to edit of of the code to change version or even delete the entire code but also didn’t work. I then decided to copy over another app code (from an app I didn’t have installed), save and publish. It worked. You can try then to delete this recently installed app to see if it works. I haven’t because it was my intention to install it anyway. Hope it helps. Let me know.


Thanks Marcelo for, can you link me the exact app you used to overwrite and delete with?

I’ve tried doing it with the ‘smartthings : Big Turn OFF’ and ‘smartthings : Big Turn ON’ apps that I found on the simulator section of the code, but this has now left me unable to delete these apps saying they are ‘installed by one or more users’ ??

Many thanks again for your help.


Hi @Shinedown78, to be honest I don’t remeber which application exactly I used :frowning:. Sorry! But it wouldn’t mind, in theory, as long as its code is correct.