Need help with a Piston I will use by triggering with an external URL command


I have AI motion cameras that can identify people or vehicles in their field of view. Once identified, that AI system will send a URL to the Piston and trigger certain flood lights to turn on.

I have created a simple Piston that turns on/off each flood light area between 10:15 PM and 30 minutes after sunrise.

My question is… this Piston runs without the URL trigger at 10:15 PM. How can I prevent this from happening, while still being able to use the Piston as I described.



Edit the piston and click on the title. In the window that pops up, click on the cog, then scroll down to Event Subscriptions, choose Disable, then Save. Then save the piston.


Either edit the condition and set it to never subscribe (click on the cog to see the option), or edit the piston settings (click on the title or enable the settings display and click on it) and disable event subscriptions (again click on the cog). I favour the latter as you don’t have to worry what else you add to the piston.


Thanks! I just disabled subscriptions and saved the Piston. I appreciate the help, I never would have figured that out since I don’t have any idea what “subscriptions” are. :slight_smile:


When you create a piston and save it, webCoRE examines the piston and attempts to determine what events (i.e., a time-based event such as sunset, or physical event such as a switch being turned on or off) will cause the piston to fire. It then “subscribes” to those events, meaning the piston will be notified by ST when those events occur.

Your piston didn’t have a proper trigger, so webCoRE converted the time-based condition in your IF statement to a trigger and subscribed to it. Disabling subscriptions basically tells webCore that the piston will only be executed through external means such as a URL or being called by another piston.


Great explanation, thanks!