Notification of device going offline (failing health check)


Can someone please share a piston that will send a text message whenever a device fails the SmartThings health check?

I’m using the following to monitor for a battery that drops, and I thought I could easily modify it to send the alert when the health check fails. But health check is not an option where “battery” is in the drop down…?

For reference here’s what I use for monitoring the battery level.

I ran into a big issue today because my humidity sensor dropped from 100% battery to failed battery status and failed its health check. But because the battery level never had a chance to be reported as low, I didn’t know. And the humidity in my room went haywire as a result.


Maintain Healthy Devices

This is a simple one that I use to nag my wife about her presence being inactive.


Thanks, but I’m not seeing how this related to a device failing the health check and notifications of that? :confused:


What do you do to remedy a “faulty” presence? Do you remove and add the presence device?


The INACTIVE status is a result of the ST Health Check :man_shrugging:


She usually just have to open the ST app and it works after that.


I hope this helps. I use a text message as well as tiles in webCoRE: