Override help for echo speaks door is open piston


1) Give a description of the problem
I copied a piston a nice guy provided to have echo speaks tell me when my garage door is open - it tells me after 5 minutes - then reminds me every 5 minutes until I close it. That all works perfectly. What I want to do is ADD an override using a virtual switch called OVERRIDE. So that way if Ii PLAN to leave the door open echo speaks no longer tells me the door is open.

2) What is the expected behavior?
If it turn on OVERRIDE switch (switch24 in this example)- echo speaks won’t tell me the door is open or still open

3) What is happening/not happening?
The over ride works perfectly if I do it BEFORE I open the door… what I want is to turn on the over ride AFTER the door is open and maybe echo speaks has already reminded me once … but I want to stop that now as I am out in the garage and don’t want it talking to the spouse any longer … even though the door will still be open.

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the pistonimage

5) Attach any logs (From ST IDE and by turning logging level to Full)


I do something like this. I have ES announce when doors are open and closed. However, I have another piston that greets whomever enters the front door (using Life360 as a presence sensor.) If Life360 is triggered because someone has arrived home, it sets a global variable ARRIVAL=Yes. That stops the DOOR OPEN piston so that the greeting piston talks instead, Then ARRIVAL is reset to NO.


Hi Mebejedi,

Any chance we can see that Piston, I wrote one up for when my wife or I come in and have it to trigger on when the SHM is set to Disarmed & location to Home but the Front Door announcement still speaks first if SHM doesn’t detect either one of our Presence Sensors (phones).


My pistons really need to be cleaned up, but you’re welcome to them. Here’s the Doors Open/Closed piston. I have randomized the comments. At the beginning is my ARRIVAL override. [EDIT] Cleaned up the code a little

And here’s my piston for Presence Sensing. It uses Life360. I stole code from @Bamarayne for these.

At some point, I want to set these up so I can silence the alerts on occasion (I’m up very late, and don’t need these when the wife and kids are asleep.) Don’t know if I want to do it as a global variable or mode yet.

[EDIT] I should add that the PISTONTRIGGER sends the announcements to another trigger.


I’m gonna have to do some research to get a better understanding of the structure LOL… I understand whats going on and why but I dont get how you managed to set it up that way. Hopefully I will eventually.

Noob question…
On your “Speaker Control Which Echo” the Variable @WhichEcho, how was that set up, as a Global variable? If so, which value you used to specify each one in it?



Ask me any questions you have. You can give me specific line numbers so I know which parts to explain.

Yes, @WhichEcho is global. I was attempting to set up a system for routing certain commands. Once Echo Speaks is installed, you’ll have all your Echos listed in ST. Eventually, I will use a DEVICE command so there only needs to be one actual speaking line, but I wanted to test something first before rewriting the whole piston.


Awesome! thanks for the knowledge…

So i played around with the pistons last night and looking at the “speaker control…” the global variable, I labeled it as you did, @whichEcho and left the Value as Nothing Select; is that correct? Do I do the same thing for (its a global variable as well?) @PistonTrigger (Line 20).

On the Door Open/Close Piston, the randomnumber is set to 1-100 but i noticed that the lowest used is 70 (Line 113) is that the degree of the temp in the house? or am i misunderstanding it?

BTW, those messages are hilarious :joy: I can see my wife getting pissed having Alexa telling her those things…


The lowest random number is set to 70 so that the announcements don’t occur as much:
0-70 - short announcement
71-92 - longer announcement
93-100 - curse announcement

You can easily change these (or add more) to increase/decrease the probability of each group of announcements.

And yes, @WhichEcho is to be set in another piston to determine where the announcement goes. My default is the last one, which is my computer and living room echos (where most announcements would go.) You could set up several scenarios with If/Else If/Else.

If @WhichEcho = Bedroom then With Bedroom Echo Speak @ReceivedMsg
Else If @WhichEcho = Master Bedroom then with Master Bedroom Echo Speak @ReceivedMsg
Else If @WhichEcho = Dining Room then with Dining Room Echo Speak @ReceivedMsg
Else With Computer and Living Room Echo Speak @ReceivedMsg

The Speaker Control Piston is called by all other pistons, and @WhichEcho allows you (if you so choose) to direct the message to other Echos. Just make sure you include the command to clear @WhichEcho afterwards, or future announcements will follow the prior direction.

Here are some of the pistons I’ve stolen from pieces from, and hope to fully incorporate later.


Love how the possibilities are endless and we can implement so many options in Webcore. Those two Piston are prime examples of what I want my automations to do. Thanks for posting them. I just picked up some Motion Sensors and Door/Window Sensors to install over the holiday Using these with the Speaker Control Piston & with the rest of the Pistons I’m working on will help so much.



This is great!! I am just starting out getting all my pistons set up. You have some really complex ones here, and I am hoping to get there really soon over the next day or two. I am doing something much less complex than you, but similar in nature, but I am having some issues, perhaps you can shed some light on.

I want a random announcement to take place, based on the opening of a door. The initial opening of door, and announcement is working fine. But then, if I leave the door open for a few minutes, and then go to close it; it makes the same announcement again, that the door was opened. Even though it was just closed. I don’t understand why this is happening. When I look in my logs in Smartthings, its not like the sensor is switching to open, when it closes. It is driving me insane, maybe you can shed some light or give some pointers.

Thanks in advance.

Announcements Happening When They Shouldnt be

Well, first of all, ES isn’t working for me anymore. I don’t know if it’s at my end or not. If it’s working for you, that’s great.

Secondly, I had a test piston that would make an announcement when a door contact was “open”. There was no trigger, it would only operate when I pressed TEST. However, when I opened or closed a door, my regular piston would run, and then the test piston would run…which really shouldn’t have happened. I’m at a loss to explain it myself. One thing that did help when I got multiple announcements was putting a RESETQUEUE command after the spoken comment. See if that works for you.

Thirdly, I like your yoda comments. But I’m curious - does ES pronounce “F@ck” for you, or does it bleep it out?


It bleeps it out, but it still gets the kids laughing.


I found a method to get ES to pronounce banned words. However, I’m scare to post it, because the website I found it on posted a method that Amazon “fixed” soon afterwards, and I’d hate for them to “fix” my method, too.


[ Moved reply to the dedicated thread ]


Send it on over to me somehow…LOL