Parsing $rooms Dynamic Variable


I love that Hubitat Rooms are available in Webcore! I have tons of new logic ideas I want to work on, but how do I parse this $rooms Dynamic variable in an expression? I’ve tried a few things with RegEx, but I feel it should be easier and I’m missing something.

An example would be like I want to send a dimmer level command to all devices in a specific room. Like if I turned on a light switch in a room I want to capture all the devices in that room to a local device variable in the Piston where the RoomID for the Light Switch matches the RoomID for $rooms and dumps all the devices for that room into a local Variable that I can use for other things.

I’ve tried using ArrayItem( in my Expression, but I don’t understand the formatting I need to be doing?


This is the start of what I’m working on. There are no Actions built yet, but the goal is to grab all of the devices in a Room. All of my color light bulbs have the word ‘Bulb’ in them so I’m going to also try a RegEx to just grab those devices only from the Room device list. I currenly have a For Each to grab each of them, but I may or may not need to do it that way.