1) Give a description of the problem
I am having multiple issues with executing a piston from within another piston as the variables do not seem to be properly passing through. I have looked at the community, but haven’t been able to find any solutions.
I basically have a number of dimmers that come on/off at pre-defined intervals, the actual timings vary, but the basic logic is the same. I want to cut down on the number of different pistons I have to maintain, by using one Master piston that sets the parameters for each device and then calls the same Slave piston with different variables.
2) What is the expected behavior?
If you look at the Master piston code, it essentially sets Start and End Times, the actual device being called and the duration for each pre-defined dim level (and they are getting passed correctly).
3) What is happening/not happening?
I have at least two separate issues:
It’s not working! I have turned on parallelism on the 2nd (Slave Piston), but as long as I have more than 1 device the first one always fails.
In addition, although the device name passes correctly from the calling (Master) piston, what ends up getting passed to the piston that is being called is the address (not the device name). I found a workaround by using a switch statement to set the proper device name, but I’d rather not have to.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston![image|45x37]
Master Piston
Slave Piston (being called)
5) Attach any logs (From ST IDE and by turning logging level to Full)
Master log (partial)
Slave log (partial)