Pausing/suspending a piston from Actiontiles


1) Give a description of the problem
I have a piston running which announces when a door has been opened. “Front Door open”, “Garage door open” etc. it works well and is very useful. However if we are having a party with a lot of people coming, and going, it can be annoying. I normally just go into webcore and suspend the piston at that time. Is there a way I can temporarily pause a piston for say an hour using a button on my wall mounted tablets that run ActionTiles?

2) What is the expected behaviour?

Piston pauses in response to a virtual switch controlled by ActionTiles or SmartThings button.


You could use a virtual switch or a global variable.

In your original piston add an “if” condition to see if the variable/switch is on or off to determine whether the announcement is made.

Create a new piston triggered from your action tiles, to set the switch/variable, wait an hour and then change it back again.