I have a virtual dimmer when its adjusted to any livel I want the piston to set level to 0
This is the log I get when dimmer is adjusted to any level
12/31/2022, 11:28:56 AM +783ms
+5ms ╔Received event [Ricks Hub].time = 1672504136757 with a delay of 26ms, canQueue: true, calledMyself: false
+14ms ║Runtime (5725 bytes) initialized in 1ms (v0.3.114.20221228_HE)
+21ms ║╔Execution stage started
+32ms ║║Command optimization: Skipped execution of device command [EventGhostDimmer].setLevel(0) because it would make no change to the device. (2ms)
+36ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (15ms)
+40ms ╚Event processed successfully (35ms)
Its now working after I logged into Hubitat. Do I have to keep an active web browser open for WebCore to work