Piston did work


I have a virtual dimmer when its adjusted to any livel I want the piston to set level to 0
This is the log I get when dimmer is adjusted to any level

12/31/2022, 11:28:56 AM +783ms
+5ms ╔Received event [Ricks Hub].time = 1672504136757 with a delay of 26ms, canQueue: true, calledMyself: false
+14ms ║Runtime (5725 bytes) initialized in 1ms (v0.3.114.20221228_HE)
+21ms ║╔Execution stage started
+32ms ║║Command optimization: Skipped execution of device command [EventGhostDimmer].setLevel(0) because it would make no change to the device. (2ms)
+36ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (15ms)
+40ms ╚Event processed successfully (35ms)

Its now working after I logged into Hubitat. Do I have to keep an active web browser open for WebCore to work


No need to open a browser for webcore to work on Hubitat. If you want the level set to 0 no matter what, I would suggest turning off command optimization on that particular piston.


Done thanks
Is the logic of the piston wrong
If \ dimmers level changes
Than \ With \ dimmer \ wait 3 seconds \ set level to 0
So what ever level it changes it to then wait 3 seconds set it to 0
Should that have not worked


Sorry one othe thing
Does it mater if I open up WebCore through Hubitat or open a browser and edit pistons there


Check the device can go a dim level of 0. It might only go to 1.
Dim level of o would be off, so you could just turn off, unless you want to set the device to a low level for when it comes back on? In which case set it to 1, then turn off.

You can edit fine in the browser, you only need to get the access key from WC in HE to gain access to the correct WC instance. The browser will remember until you clear its cache or log out.