Here are the logs from the latest misfire.
Hubitat logs:
app:9462024-06-06 06:25:31.632 AMdebugReleased Lock and exiting
app:9462024-06-06 06:25:31.536 AMinfo ║║ Bedroom Sensor triggered OFF 
app:9462024-06-06 06:25:31.484 AMwarn ║║ stays check stays isStays: true result: true options: [devices:[matched:[:c5302f51c1357b383e65b5c3b074dc1c:], unmatched:[]], matches:true, forceAll:true]
app:9462024-06-06 06:25:31.413 AMinfo ║║ Bedroom Sensor triggered OFF 
app:9462024-06-06 06:25:31.360 AMwarn ║║ stays check stays isStays: true result: true options: [devices:[matched:[:c5302f51c1357b383e65b5c3b074dc1c:], unmatched:[]], matches:true, forceAll:true]
app:9462024-06-06 06:25:31.287 AMinfo ║║ Bedroom Sensor triggered OFF 
app:9462024-06-06 06:25:31.227 AMwarn ║║ stays check stays isStays: true result: true options: [devices:[matched:[:c5302f51c1357b383e65b5c3b074dc1c:], unmatched:[]], matches:true, forceAll:true]
app:9502024-06-06 06:25:00.184 AMinfo ║ Shadow mode set to Day
app:9462024-06-06 06:22:50.256 AMdebugReleased Lock and exiting
dev:14962024-06-06 06:22:49.912 AMinfoBedroom Sensor motion became inactive
app:9462024-06-06 06:22:32.176 AMdebugReleased Lock and exiting
app:9462024-06-06 06:22:28.817 AMdebugReleased Lock and exiting
app:9462024-06-06 06:21:13.179 AMdebugReleased Lock and exiting
app:9462024-06-06 06:21:10.056 AMdebugReleased Lock and exiting
dev:13022024-06-06 06:20:40.939 AMinfoCabinet Lights power is 3.516 W
dev:13022024-06-06 06:20:37.669 AMinfoCabinet Lights Switch is on
dev:14492024-06-06 06:20:37.268 AMinfoMantle switch is on
dev:14502024-06-06 06:20:37.082 AMinfoSeasonal 1 was turned on [digital]
app:9482024-06-06 06:20:36.923 AMinfo ║ DAY mode 🟡
dev:10082024-06-06 06:20:36.890 AMinfoCouch Light was turned on [digital]
dev:13962024-06-06 06:20:36.881 AMinfoFireplace Lights is off [digital]
dev:14512024-06-06 06:20:36.760 AMinfoSeasonal Lights switch was turned on
app:14222024-06-06 06:20:36.756 AMinfoOn: Seasonal 1
app:14222024-06-06 06:20:36.737 AMinfoOn: Mantle
app:14862024-06-06 06:20:31.397 AMinfo ║ Mode became Day from Night
app:9462024-06-06 06:20:31.261 AMdebugReleased Lock and exiting
app:9462024-06-06 06:20:31.117 AMwarn ║║ stays check stays isStays: true result: false options: [devices:[matched:[], unmatched:[:c5302f51c1357b383e65b5c3b074dc1c:]], matches:true, forceAll:true]
app:9462024-06-06 06:20:31.093 AMwarn ║║ stays check stays isStays: true result: true options: [devices:[matched:[:249f4ceacaed26fcec0f1c3da97f266d:, :635085f5f83511ac85d2722896cb5858:, :40dd9a4b70f5fd0d062af7de56919ea0:], unmatched:[]], matches:true, forceAll:true]
app:9462024-06-06 06:20:31.076 AMinfo ║║ Bedroom Sensor triggered DAY mode 🟡
dev:14962024-06-06 06:20:30.889 AMinfoBedroom Sensor motion became active
Webcore logs:
6/6/2024, 6:25:31 AM +124ms
+5ms ╔Received event [Shoe’s].time = 1717673131100 with a delay of 24ms, canQueue: true, calledMyself: false
+27ms ║Runtime (15215 bytes) initialized 22 LockT > 1ms > r9T > 2ms > pistonT > 0ms (first state access 14 m:5 6 16) (v0.3.114.20240115_HE)
+36ms ║╔Execution stage started
+46ms ║║Condition #20 evaluated true (0ms)
+92ms ║║Found matching value, duration 161300ms for is < 240000ms threshold = true
+93ms ║║Comparison (enum) inactive was (string) inactive = true (44ms)
+95ms ║║Condition #21 evaluated true (48ms)
+97ms ║║Condition group #19 evaluated true (condition changed) (52ms)
+102ms ║║Comparison (enum) inactive stays (string) inactive = true (0ms)
+110ms ║║Adding a timed trigger schedule stays result true scheduling timer for condition 23 wake up at Thu, Jun 6 2024 @ 6:29:31 AM CDT (in 239998ms) for 23 (st:23)
+112ms ║║Condition #23 evaluated false (13ms)
+114ms ║║Condition group #22 evaluated false (condition changed) (16ms)
+115ms ║║Condition group #18 evaluated true (condition did not change) (70ms)
+138ms ║║Executed device command [Cabinet Lights].off() (18ms)
+141ms ║║Command optimization: Skipped execution of device command [Fireplace Lights].off() because it would make no change to the device. (1ms)
+149ms ║║Calculating (string)Thu 6/6 6:25:31 + (string) - >> (string)Thu 6/6 6:25:31 -
+151ms ║║Calculating (string)Thu 6/6 6:25:31 - + (string)Bedroom Sensor >> (string)Thu 6/6 6:25:31 - Bedroom Sensor
+152ms ║║Calculating (string)Thu 6/6 6:25:31 - Bedroom Sensor + (string) triggered OFF
>> (string)Thu 6/6 6:25:31 - Bedroom Sensor triggered OFF 
+155ms ║║Piston state changed
+156ms ║║Executed virtual command [Cabinet Lights, Fireplace Lights].setState (1ms)
+160ms ║║Calculating (string)Bedroom Sensor + (string) triggered OFF
>> (string)Bedroom Sensor triggered OFF 
+163ms ║║Bedroom Sensor triggered OFF 
+165ms ║║Executed virtual command [Cabinet Lights, Fireplace Lights].log (3ms)
+172ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (137ms)
+178ms ║Processing timer time = 1717673131103
+179ms ║╔Execution stage started
+188ms ║║Condition #20 evaluated true (1ms)
+227ms ║║Found matching value, duration 161435ms for is < 240000ms threshold = true
+228ms ║║Comparison (enum) inactive was (string) inactive = true (37ms)
+229ms ║║Condition #21 evaluated true (39ms)
+230ms ║║Condition group #19 evaluated true (condition did not change) (42ms)
+235ms ║║Comparison (enum) inactive stays (string) inactive = true (1ms)
+241ms ║║Doing nothing found timed trigger schedule stays result true found timer for condition 23
+242ms ║║Condition #23 evaluated false (11ms)
+243ms ║║Condition group #22 evaluated false (condition did not change) (12ms)
+244ms ║║Condition group #18 evaluated true (condition did not change) (56ms)
+264ms ║║Executed device command [Cabinet Lights].off() (16ms)
+266ms ║║Command optimization: Skipped execution of device command [Fireplace Lights].off() because it would make no change to the device. (1ms)
+274ms ║║Calculating (string)Thu 6/6 6:25:31 + (string) - >> (string)Thu 6/6 6:25:31 -
+276ms ║║Calculating (string)Thu 6/6 6:25:31 - + (string)Bedroom Sensor >> (string)Thu 6/6 6:25:31 - Bedroom Sensor
+278ms ║║Calculating (string)Thu 6/6 6:25:31 - Bedroom Sensor + (string) triggered OFF
>> (string)Thu 6/6 6:25:31 - Bedroom Sensor triggered OFF 
+280ms ║║Piston state changed
+281ms ║║Executed virtual command [Cabinet Lights, Fireplace Lights].setState (1ms)
+285ms ║║Calculating (string)Bedroom Sensor + (string) triggered OFF
>> (string)Bedroom Sensor triggered OFF 
+289ms ║║Bedroom Sensor triggered OFF 
+291ms ║║Executed virtual command [Cabinet Lights, Fireplace Lights].log (3ms)
+298ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (119ms)
+304ms ║Processing timer time = 1717673131106
+305ms ║╔Execution stage started