I’m trying to set the security system on the house to send me an intruder alert and put my bedside lamp on.
The exception to this is when my wife or myself are on a late shift and come home after the other one of us has gone to bed and the system is in armed/stay mode.
What I’m hoping is for the presence sensors to be picked up as they enter the radius set around my home and when that happens then the security should set to “I’m Back” therefore preventing the alarm from triggering.
This was finally tested this morning. I didn’t get the security alert, expected behaviour as I was home and my wife was returning from a night shift. The lights came on downstairs and went off 10 mins later - expected behaviour.
But, the Piston Didn’t execute the routine ‘Goodnight’ which should have re-armed the alarm after 10 minutes.
I’m not sure if this will run the alarm if it’s an attempt to force entry on the front door.
Can someone please take a look at my Piston and see if you can pick up any errors.
Please help me to begin to understand!!!