Piston Not Running As Expected


I’m having trouble getting this piston to run. I want it to kick off between sunrise with a +/- offset of 60 mins and sunset. When the time is between the specified sunrise and sunset, the next scheduled is for 3 hours to sunrise which is my very first If Statment and not for the second If Statment beginning on line 33.

I can’t figure out why it is not running. If I do a test, it will run and continue in the While Loop, but it will not do this automatically.


I noticed you had forced subscription on line 55 but not the first one, try this one, I just eliminated an extra line that may not be needed.


Thanks, I’ll give it a shot. I had the While Loop on its own before, but I don’t think I had it set to force subscription. I’ll see if it kicks off on its own in the morning.