Piston trigger I don't see


1) Give a description of the problem
It ran three times

2) What is the expected behaviour?
Only run once

3) What is happening/not happening?
This Piston only runs once a month, it resets my HEM, logs the data in a Thingsspeak account, and sends me messages about my monthly energy usage. Its done this since I created this piston a couple of months ago. I originally had this in a smartapp I had written, but decided to move everything to webcore.

I got the Pushover messages three times. I also went and looked at the log for my HEM and it sent a reset to the HEM three times. It did not log the Data three times in my Thingsspeak account, however. I think that is due to the limitation on the Thingsspeak account. It only allows data updates to a channel every 15 seconds, so apparently these additional runs happened fairly quickly.

The only trigger I have is the time event. However, I guess the HEM is triggering the piston? I just added the ResetSent Boolean to try and stop it from sending more than one reset. It will be next month before I know. I wonder if anyone sees a reason it would be triggered more than once. The HEM is not listed as a trigger, I thought about just turning off subscriptions for the piston. I wasn’t sure if that would effect the time event, I wouldn’t think so but I just went with the Boolean.

**4) Post a Green Snapshot of the piston!!

5) Attach logs after turning logging level to Full
Didn’t have logs on

After typing all this out, I then went and added a subject and over on the right it popped up some threads that it deemed relevant and one of them might be. This thread seems to be something similar, but it is is from April 2018. It seems to indicate it might be a ST problem. Agree?