Random function evaluating to strange output


I’m trying to create a piston that turns lights at sunset, plus or minus 15 minutes. I’m using the random function (-15 + random(15)) but the evaluation in webcore is giving me very strange numbers, like -420000. Why is it evaluating to that?

How do I create a piston that will run at sunset + or - 15 minutes?


That is -420 seconds, or -7 minutes. Time is represented in milliseconds


Ok, thanks!

I assume that random evaluation is not hard-coded and that’s just the evaluation when it was run at the time?


I am looking at something similar for a piston - so is random random at runtime, or is it randomized once at piston save

My assumption was that if I do (-15 + random(5)) it would be 15m +0-5m each time … so anywhere between 15 and 20m and different each time the piston fires

Am I off base here?


That is an one-off evaluation you see there. Save and click on that task again and you will get a different number. It gets a new number any time it is evaluated, either at build time or at run time.




I’m genuinely curious… why do you want randomness for lights turning on at sunset? Best presence simulation by less consistency?


I’m genuinely an idiot… I was making a first run at the piston when I ran into my question. I just took a screenshot and posted it. I fixed it after. I also had my timings off for turning on within the correct random range.


Thanks for the beginner code to grab, newbie here. I’m also looking to randomize my two inovelli switches for on between x and y before sunset, and off between x and y time at night.