[RELEASE] Using Twilio to Send SMS



Big update… this no longer requires Google and we can reply to an SMS with a command!!!

Example Piston:

SMS Screenshot:


  • If not already done, setup a Twilio account as detailed in post 1
  • Change ‘To’ to your mobile number, (+1 format for US)
  • Change ‘From’ to you purchased Twilio Number (do not use an alphanumeric sender ID if you are planning to use the reply feature)
  • Change ‘AccoutSID’ - Get this from Twilio Dashboard
  • Change ‘Auth’ as follows:
    • Format - ‘{AccountSID}:{AuthToken}’
    • Needs to be converted to Base64 using https://www.base64encode.org/, then add the word ‘basic’ at the start of the encoded string. i.e. ‘basic xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx==’
  • POST request anonymized in the piston snapshot above should be https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/{AccountSID}/Messages.json
  • In Twilio, go to your phone number (https://www.twilio.com/console/phone-numbers/incoming) and change the ‘Message comes in Webhook’ to your pistons external URL.


Does one require a twillio number for each piston?


Nope… same number can be used across all pistons.


I had it working with google pages,that quit, now i am trying the newer method…I can’t get this to work… here is the error i get
Error executing external web request: groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseException: Not Found


Have got it worked with SmartThings webCoRE, Twilio and Pipedream integration for calls. So if SmartThings motion sensor detects motion or window/door sensors opens while security in Armed Mode on SmarthThings Home Monitor, it makes a call with a voice message to mobile via Twilio API.

You can set the Twilio SMS option on Pipedream if you like to receive text instead of call.