Request suggestion for improvement Garage controller


this current setting working ok but there is a delay upto 2 mins
what i would like to do is garage close immediately when hallway door open any suggestion to improve on this piston ???


Your only trigger (lightning bolt in the left margin), is on presence changes, so that is when the 2 minutes begins…

This logic should be in a separate block, or piston.

IF hallway door changes to open  <-- Trigger
    Close Garage Door


Hi WCmore

thanks for the quick response.

I have tried all that suggestion from you however i forgot to mention . Condition of the hallway trigger by open then close Or hallway door already open then the trigger is by closed the hallway door


Both of those are achieved with a slight modification of my last post. Something like:

IF hallway door changes to close  <-- Trigger
    Close Garage Door

It will begin closing the Garage the moment the hallway door closes.
(regardless of how long the door was open for)


Thanks WCmore I will tried again