Resetting Color Light


I’m looking for suggestions and input on how to handle “resetting” color bulbs after use. In my SHM settings I’ve set a specific color and what I’d like is for whenever the lights get turned off for them to reset to 5500k and 100% brightness. I’ve got a webCoRE piston that’s not meeting my needs and hopefully someone can help. Currently the piston changes color of the bulbs even when they’re on (only want them to be reset if off) and cannot figure out how to reset brightness to 100% without turning light on.

I’m not picky how I accomplish this so if it’s webCoRE that’s fine and if it’s anything else that’s fine too.


Setting the level in webcore will always to my knowledge turn them on - regardless of where they are currently

As for the rest I’ll need to dig in when I get home :wink:


It’s a device / handler issue… changing level, color, temperature will all trigger an ‘on’… webCoRE doesent send an ‘on’ for those commands.

Can you link to the device handler you are using… varies from device to device but if it’s at the handler level I can probably tell you what to tweak.



Experiment a little…

For example, in the DTH, under

def setColor(value) {

Remove the line:

sendEvent(name: "switch", value: "on")

Though it’s highly likely that without the DTH sending the ‘on’ command, the device can’t receive the following set color value command… varies device to device.


Any idea why the piston would be resetting color back to white while SHM has it set to pink?


Not without logs??