Rooms Manager: Smarter Rooms: Personalized home automation with Occupancy



UPDATE: updated version 0.05.1 to github with the following changes:

*  Version: 0.05.1
*   DONE:   11/15/2017
*   1) added setting to select which days of week this rooms automation should run.


UPDATE: updated version 0.05.5. I added a feature for the asleep state to this app. Now you can add a sleep sensor to see if you’re asleep or not. When you’re asleep and motion is detected it is possible to dim the switches before they go on. This way the lights aren’t so bright when you have to get up in the night. When you go back to bed it’s possible to toggle the lights with a button. Thank you @bangali for letting me in on this little project :smiley:


you are welcome @johhnwilliam … thats what open source projects are for. thank you for your contribution :smiley:


UPDATE: updated version 0.05.7 to github with the following changes:

*  Version: 0.05.7
*   DONE:   11/20/2017
*   1) added support for room busy check.
*   2) added support for arrival and/or departure action when using presence sensor.
*   3) some bug fixes.


UPDATE: updated version 0.05.8 & 0.05.9 to github with the following changes. some from @johhnwilliam and others from me.

if you are using Rooms Occupancy with say wC note that “occupancyStatus” is now called “occupancy”. there is no impact if used from ST app only. sorry for the breaking change.

*  Version: 0.05.9
*   DONE:   11/21/2017
*   1) changed name of 'occupancyStatus' to just 'occupancy' to be consistent with ST.
*   2) added switches to turn on and off when room changes to asleep. switches set to turn on are also turned off
*           when room changes away from asleep.
*   2) some bug fixes.
*  Version: 0.05.8
*   DONE:   11/20/2017
*   1) Changed configuration pages


this is a good idea. let me see if i can add this to rooms occupancy. rooms occupancy currently supports setting the light levels when room is in asleep state and there is motion. but the feature you suggested would need a bit more flexibility than that. will think about it.

thanks for suggesting it.


How would I go about setting the Bathroom to only turn on lights 1% when in Sleep mode. But when in all other Modes, turn on Lights 100%?



rooms occupancy has asleep state settings in which you can specify the level settings when there is motion and lights are turned on. if it is not in asleep state it would turn on the lights at the level specified in the main settings for the room.

so if you set the bathroom to asleep using webcore between the times when you want lights to come on at a lower level it would then turn on the lights at that lower level while in that state.


i have a version of rooms occupancy that supports rules driven settings for lights power, level, color and temperature depending on location mode, room state (asleep, engaged or occupied), lux or time window. when lux and/or time is specified the lights will turned on with the settings as specified. also, when lux and time is specified switches will be turned off when lux is higher than the specified value or time is outside of the time window.

if a mode and state is not picked then it acts as a global rule driven only by lux and/or time settings.

@johhnwilliam has been helping me test it. its a bit tricky and without his help i wouldnt have made the progress i have made in a couple of days.

we will probably test it a bit more before putting it out in the wild. if anyone is feeling brave enough ( from turkey dinner high? :wink: ) to give it a try, please ping me. i will prioritize any issues you may run in to to get it working for you. :smiley:



heres a preview of lighting rules. this allows for lights to be turned off or on based mode, state, lux, etc. when turning on the lights the level, color and color temperature of the lights can be set as well.

you can even have rules for the vacant state so you can leave a light on in the basement or the nursery even when its “vacant”. :slight_smile:


I seem to have a problem that is likely user error. When I add a range of sunset to sunrise as the time when the motion detector should turn a switch on or off, the room quits working. I still see the motion sensor go active in active in the logs but no switch signal. Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot?


We are looking into it within the new code. With the new version it will be fixed!


Thanks. Will try again when it is released.


should have the new version out in next couple of days. meanwhile if you change from sunset to sunrise to 6pm to 5am or some such times does it work fine?

thanks for your patience. :slight_smile:


Yes. Setting hard times works.


Was wrong. That doesn’t seem to work either.


ok. are you on the latest version from github?


I believe so. Version: 0.05.9


UPDATE: updated version 0.07.0 to github with the following changes:

*  Version: 0.07.0
*   DONE:   11/27/2017
*   1) instead of adding swtiches to individual settings created rules to allow switches to be turned on and off
*       and routines to be executed via this rule. VACANT state automatically turns of the switches the last rule
*       turned on unless user creates a rule for VACANT state in which case the automatic turning off of switches
*       on VACANT state is skipped instead the rules are checked and executed for the VACANT state.
*   2) some bug fixes.

the rules create much more flexibility in when switches are turned on and off or routines are run controlled by these rules.

before creating rules please give the room a name and save it. then go back in to the room and edit the rules. the rules use the app state and without the room created the app state is not available to the app for use.

the switches on and off defined in a rule are respectively turned on and off when there is a condition change and the new condition matches the condition defined in the rule. so you have the option of different switches being on and off in the same state but at different times of day.


please try with the latest version. the issue should be fixed now.