Hey guys! I guess now is a good time to tell you I a pour a dram each time you mention me?
Keep going, you’re doing good
Luv y’all ! (That’s what is gonna happen if I keep drinking lol)
Hey guys! I guess now is a good time to tell you I a pour a dram each time you mention me?
Keep going, you’re doing good
Luv y’all ! (That’s what is gonna happen if I keep drinking lol)
Just an update for everyone who used it. I’ve created 2 IFTTT applet that does the following:
when my cabinet door closes, broadcast a message on my google home mini asking me if I poured a dram
I then can use a custom phrase (ok google, I used bottle number 5) and IFTTT relays the “5” to webcore that adjust my inventory accordingly.
No need for SMS nor loading dashboard to click on a tile.
What do you say when you’ve poured a pint of scotch
And I’m surprised your haven’t got pressure sensors and / or smart scales under each bottle… what you waiting for!!
Trying to adapt this to my boubon bar but having some trouble, I have a few questions if anyone has time to answer. I am very new to Webcore so please excuse my ignorance.
Hey @Robin some old pultney there also And plenty isla brands if one are out of sigaretts.
I’ll be getting back to you soon. I have a bit of health issue right now. Nothing serious tho.
It’s poorly optimized but it does work very well. I even modified it a bit so when I open the door, my Google home minis ask me which scotch I poured a dram from. I then answer to the GH and it update my inventory. It’s really really cool.
That is awesome! I cant wait to get this working, take your time getting back I am not in a rush. I wish you good health.