"Set Location Mode" now giving error, not changing Location Mode


I have some pistons that have been humming along happily for months and years. For some reason today, anything that uses the “set location mode” action is producing this error in my log:

║║Error executing virtual command [].setLocationMode: (3ms) groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: physicalgraph.location.LocationService.updateMode() is applicable for argument types: (physicalgraph.device.cache.LocationDTO, java.lang.String, java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [Home,REDACTED [:]] Possible solutions: updateMode(physicalgraph.device.cache.LocationDTO, physicalgraph.device.cache.ModeDTO, java.util.Map), updateMode(physicalgraph.location.Location, java.lang.String, java.util.Map), updateMode(physicalgraph.app.LocationWrapper, physicalgraph.device.cache.ModeDTO, java.util.Map)

Any idea how I can fix this? It’s affecting multiple pistons the same way.


Following…I just posted the same exact error. Started today.


Good to know it’s not just me.


Same problem here, started about six hours ago.


Tracking this… same issue here, started today…


Same issue here :frowning:


I started getting this issue last night as well.

Same as other people have commented, none my broken pistons have been changed or updated in months.


Same here :frowning:


Noticed this last night. Ended up creating some virtual switches for the modes and then setting the mode via the ST Automations app.

Ugly, but functional.


Issue has been resolved…


Yes, looks like it’s fixed. Thanks


Confirmed working… first success @ 1005 pst…

Pucker factor reduced…


fantastic! Thanks for the update.