Setting Ge motion sensor settings from a piston?


1) Give a description of the problem
I am using a custom device handler for my GE/JASCO Pir Portable Motion Detectors

In my smartthings app when I click on the motion sensor then the cog it looks like this

You can adjust the settings on the motion sensor from there.

2) What is the expected behavior?
What I would like to do is: from a piston set the enabled setting to disabled from a piston based on conditions, like mode or armed state. Thus by doing so saving battery life. Also would be nice to set other options as well. Time out to longer when away than when home, sensitivity etc.

3) What is happening/not happening?

Not sure possible, any ideas

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the pistonimage

5) Attach any logs (From ST IDE and by turning logging level to Full)

If a solution is found for your question then please mark the post as the solution.


You can’t change the settings on that page directly… but you could add custom commands to the device handler (if they are not already there?) to change the parameters on the device… such a change wouldn’t be reflected in the ST UI but the device would be updated which is the end result I assume you’re after?

Post a link to the handler you are using and I’ll take a look.


Thanks robin. I know you can do this with zwave weaker too. But this is the one I’m usin. The end of the file is where the options for the parameters are.


Not having this particular device I can’t test but try the following and report back.

Add this block of code to the end of the device handler:

def changeSingleParam(paramNum, paramSize, paramValue) {
	log.debug("changeSingleParam(paramNum: paramNum, paramSize: $paramSize, paramValue: $paramValue)")
        zwave.configurationV1.configurationSet(configurationValue: paramValue, parameterNumber: paramNum, size: paramSize).format()

And add this below the capabilities listed at the top of the handler:

command "changeSingleParam"

Now go to webCoRE, create a new action using the device and you should see a new item in the ‘do’ list called “changeSingleParam(…)”.

Select the command and at the bottom of the same window you will see “parameters”, click this and add 3nr integer parameters:

Example, To Disable PIR Sensor:



#1 = parameter number (you can get this from the ‘preferences’ section of the handler)
#2 = parameter size (always 1 for this device)
#3 = Desired value

Now when the action runs, it should change the referenced parameter on the device… it will still show the old value when viewing the preferences page in the ST app but correct data should be on the device itself.


Im not seeing the new option

Here is what I did:

And this is what is available to me. I saved and published to me. Closed webcore and reopened. Still the same


command “changeSingleParam”

needs to be directly below

capability “health check”

You have it after the fingerprint


Sorry, learning here. Did that put directly below capability

Saved ad published for me

Here is what my device handler settings looks like. It seems to be there, but nothing in webcore?

This is basically a modification of the zwave motion device handler that is built into smartthings if that helps

Thank you for your help


Hard refresh webCoRE by holding Ctrl whilst clicking the refresh button in your browser.

Otherwise you might need to remove and re-add the device from webCoRE for it to sync the new command

Edit: Just tested with a simulated device (I don’t have a hub right now) and the command synced nicely… you will need to come out of the piston and then go back in.


Ok, it showed up sort of? I primarily use the webcore app to build my pistons, since I have an iPad and it’s convenient. When I open chrome on iPad it show up. When i try in webcore app no dice. Tried force closing app and still nothing.

Wierd, guess I will have to use chrome instead. Now it gets me to thinking, how many more things are hidden from the app but are available in chrome?

Thank you again!


So on testing… does it work? Does the desired parameter change?

Configure HomeSeer Floodlight (HS-FLS100+) Lux setting

The webCoRE mobile app, chrome, safari and every other browser available on iOS use the same browser backend provided by iOS… so the cache should mirror across them… might just take time for some browsers to sync I guess??