SHM Auto Activation and Disarming


This piston will Arm Your Smart Home Monitor System when the last person leaves your home and will Disarm it when the first person arrives home. This can use the smartthings presence sensors or your phones presence. First create a device global variable caller @PresenceSensors then place all your presence sensors in that global variable. This will also send a push notification to your phone letting you know when the system has been armed and disarmed.

Here is the piston

Anyone have any questions please leave them here.


Thank you for the piston…
you might just want to take a look at this though, to pick the best place for triggers vs pistons.


Thanks for the suggestion. But not sure even after reading the conduction’s and triggers: the difference? what you are referring to? I have 1 trigger and 2 conduction’s in the piston. The piston works exactly as intended. Main problem I had was if everyone left at the same time the piston would not set the system to armed.If only one person left each time it would work as intended, once everyone left. Found i had to add the 2nd conduction were if all presence sensors is not present. Once I added that the problem disappeared.The trigger if presence (changes to) present is set to any of them.