Simple (I think) Temperature Piston


1) Give a description of the problem
Hello. This is my first piston. All I’m trying to do is turn on a smartplug whenever one of my Ecobee sensors is equal or less than a specific temperature. I set it up so it runs every 30 minutes but when I run the TEST, it doesn’t turn on the smartplug even if the temperature condition is met.

2) What is the expected behavior?
It should turn on the smartplug.

3) What is happening/not happening?
It’s not turning on the smartplug

4) Post a Green Snapshot of the pistonimage

5) Attach any logs (From ST IDE and by turning logging level to Full)
11/30/2018, 8:33:03 PM +906ms
+1ms ╔Received event [South SF].test = 1543638783905 with a delay of 1ms
+75ms ║RunTime Analysis CS > 14ms > PS > 39ms > PE > 21ms > CE
+78ms ║Runtime (36893 bytes) successfully initialized in 39ms (v0.3.108.20180906) (76ms)
+79ms ║╔Execution stage started
+125ms ║╚Execution stage complete. (45ms)
+129ms ║Setting up scheduled job for Fri, Nov 30 2018 @ 11:02:19 PM PST (in 8955.406s)
+139ms ╚Event processed successfully (138ms)


Your code looks good. Pushing test won’t do anything in this case. You just have to wait a half hour after you save the piston (during those hours) to see results…

(or if you are impatient, you can edit it to run every 2 minutes during testing, but your 8 hour restriction may still make you wait to see the results)

If you don’t touch it, it will execute at 11:02pm your time, and 30 minutes later etc.


Ok thanks. I’ll wait till then to see what happens.


I had a similar setup and for some reason it did NOT work…

and finally i switched to
IF temp rises to or above
turn ON
If temp drops to below
Turn off


after that I added the time as a condition but after the trigger…
IF temp rises to or above
IF time is Between this and that
turn ON
If temp drops to below
IF time is Beteween this and that
Turn off


How often will the Piston run if you use the “time is between” condition? Also, will webcore process “time is between 11PM and 6AM” correctly?


it will run every time if the temp goes above or below…


so like this?

…but the quick facts say…

Quick Facts

Piston state:
Last executed: never
Next scheduled: 12/1/2018, 6:30:00 AM
Subscriptions: 1 event, 1 control
Devices used: 2
Memory used: 4% (4347 bytes)

…which leads me to believe the conditions won’t be evaluated until 6:30AM. Is this false?


I am not sure about that… I just checked and mine says “next scheduled : NEVER” LOL
But the only difference is
My piston uses:
DROP TO OR BELOW (trigger)


Not sure how the date function works but problem could be with the time range spanning two days. Might need to look for 11:00-11:59PM or 12:00-6:30am. Not sure it can properly evaluate a time between 11PM today and 6:30AM today. Does that make sense?


Just for clarification @jacintoj, what happened at 11:02pm last night?
You forgot to report back your results from the first post.

If it didn’t do what you expected, a log from 11pm to 1am could be helpful to diagnose


Hi. It did run. Thanks!