Simulated multi-sensor?


1) Give a description of the problem
Trying to use webcore to set values for a simulated/virtual multi-sensor (based on status from a real TinyCam API). I can get the data from TinyCam no problem. I want to set the atributes into a single ST device so it will show on ActionTiles like other devices. I have done similar with a simulated dimmer switch, but I guess not a multi-sensor

2) What is the expected behaviour?
I need the device’s tasks in webcore action to allow setting motion active, AND setting temperature, AND set battery, etc…

3) What is happening/not happening?
The official ST simulated devices seem to be only one type each (motion OR temp). I tried several non-simulated DHs to see if any of them would allow setting motion, temp, etc (aeon multi, zwave motion/temp/light) but they don’t when I go into the devices’ tasks in webcore.

I was looking at ST_Anything DH, but it is a bunch of parent/child types. Also, tried an arduino DH I created a long time ago, but it still didn’t show any way in webcore to set the attributes.

-I logout and re-register browser to make webcore detect the device’s new type
-“Simulated Temperature Sensor” allows setting: temp, set/adjust/fade level, pan camera up/down. seems kind of odd combination

I feel like I am forgetting something???


For some reason, I thought ActionTiles was limited to only one dataPoint per tile…
If this is still true, then you will need multiple tiles in AT to display battery AND motion AND temp… And, if you need three tiles to display, then it doesn’t seem so bad if you have to use three Simulated Switches to match up…

For the record, I have requested the ability to use variables as displays in AT for over a year now. Once this becomes possible, then you can drop SimSwitches entirely, and use Global variables to display data.

In the meantime:

  • If I need quick toggles or cam displays, I use ActionTiles…
  • If I need really informative displays, I use webCoRE’s Dashboard.

(best of both worlds, since a single piston in webCoRE can display dozens of variables)


@WCmore, do you run a webcore dashboard on a pad in your home…ie, like ActionTiles?


True regarding the ActionTiles limits, except the battery can be shown in addition to the main attribute. I do have webcore piston state showing all the info :slight_smile: This is great on PC, just looking for a way to get some of the info onto my wall tablet dashboard.

My TinyCam ‘server’ (old phone) keeps turning off for some reason and trying to monitor temp and battery (and motion, just because :wink: ). I don’t think any of the simulated sensors I tried, allowed me to set battery.

Thank you for the feedback.


My wall mounted tablets are used by guests, so they prefer large (somewhat simple) buttons… ActionTiles is my preference there…

On the other hand, the portable tablet (my command center), usually displays my webCoRE Dashboard. Not so much for editing, but mostly for display purposes… (a few buttons will run code when clicked)

They each have different strengths, so in a perfect world, I would display them BOTH at once like this.

Personal Note:

I tend to push my SmartHome though… If I find myself pressing a button in AT too often, it means it is time for me to create a piston to automate that better, LOL


The easiest way is to have the webCoRE Dashboard open in another tab. Yes, it will require a click to switch over, but better than giving guests easy access to all of your code! (personally, I don’t ever want a guest to touch my code, but I don’t mind them seeing a graphical Dashboard… Perhaps a separate instance?)

Another option is to send SMS to the tablet… Your data will be visible in the notification tray.

Another alternative is to use a piston to gather the data, and an external source to create a JPG… Then, you can tell ActionTiles to simply show that JPEG 24/7…

Here is a short thread discussing this method.

If your tablet is Android, you can use Tasker to catch any data, and display them in a tiny floating window… (on top of all other windows) It can also change color, or disappear under certain conditions.

For 20 or less dataPoints, this is my preferred method, but requires programming Tasker directly on the tablet.

For example, here is 13 dataPoints passed from webCoRE to my Android, and displayed in a Tasker scene… (all the sizes, placement, colors and background are completely customizable)


This is a recent project of mine, so it is still pretty basic at the moment. Eventually, it will change colors and/or background depending on what data is displayed. (IE: the temp number will change from red to blue, depending on how hot/cold it is… the background may change to a dark cloud if it is raining outside… etc)


The Simulated Temperature Sensor device uses the ‘Temperature Measurement’ capability, which just has the ‘temperature’ attribute and no commands. It needs something to allow the temperature to be set to simulate it changing, so it adds the ‘Switch Level’ capability so it can have a ‘setlevel’ command and a ‘level’ attribute that can work with apps that know about dimmer switches. That’ll be your ‘set/adjust/fade level’.

It also has the custom commands ‘up’, ‘down’ and ‘setTemperature’. The up and down are presumably also used for panning cameras.

Producing a simulated multi-sensor device handler shouldn’t be hugely difficult, but if you want it to work with ActionTiles it wouldn’t really achieve anything without a ‘multi-sensor tile’ to work with it. Most of the tiles are single capability with the odd exception like battery levels where the capability is often reported by battery powered devices. You might as well just use a combination of simulated sensors.

Oh, and the Simulated Lock includes the ‘Battery’ capability and a ‘setBatteryLevel’ custom command, but I am not aware of any others. I guess no one at SmartThings has ever needed to simulate a battery.


I wish AT was an App instead of a UI.